mingus 0.4 released

Bart Spaans rhijnauwen at gmail.com
Sun Mar 1 15:39:49 CET 2009

Mingus is an advanced, cross-platform music theory and notation
package for Python with MIDI file and playback support. It can be used
to play around with music theory, to build editors, educational tools
and other applications that need to process and/or play music. It can
also be used to create sheet music with LilyPond. Version 0.4 of
mingus has been released today. A lot has happened since version 0.3:

  + A separate midi sub-package for playing, reading and writing midi
data was added; The reading part is still buggy and should not be
relied upon, but the rest works like a charm.
  + The fluidsynth module now uses the pyFluidSynth bindings instead
of depending on a running server to play notes.
  + A new module named value was added to make dealing with note
durations easier.
  + Added chord substitution algorithms in the progressions module.
  + More functions, updates and bugfixes in the existing packages (see
the change log for detailed information).
  + Up to date documentation, tutorials and exercises.
  + Packages for Ubuntu (in PPA) and Arch (NB. these packages are not
maintained by me and may not always be up to date).

See mingus' homepage for more information and downloads:

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