Python Essential Reference, 4th Edition

David Beazley dave at
Fri Jun 19 06:28:26 CEST 2009

	   * *  Python Essential Reference, 4th Edition * *
			   by David Beazley

I'm pleased to announce the release of the Python Essential Reference,
4th edition, soon to be appearing at a bookstore near you.  More than
a year in development, this edition covers Python 2.6, Python 3, and a
wide variety of new library modules.  Notable new features include

- Greatly expanded coverage of advanced features such as generators,
   coroutines, context managers, decorators, metaclasses, and more.

- Detailed coverage of concurrent programming including threads,
   the multiprocessing library, and coroutines.

- A new chapter on testing, debugging, profiling, and performance

- Completely revised examples and code samples appearing throughout
   the text.

- New coverage of the database API, WSGI, ctypes, and other essential
   library modules.

- Detailed information on Python 3 including compatibility notes,
   migration strategies, notable new features, and use of the
   2to3 tool.

If you liked previous editions of the Essential Reference, I think you
will be pleased--this may be the best edition yet.


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