Northwest Python Day - Seattle, WA - January 31st

Brian Dorsey briandorsey at
Fri Jan 9 09:36:35 CET 2009

Hello everyone,

If you'll be near Seattle, WA USA at the end of this month, the
Seattle Python Interest Group would like to invite you to join us for
an informal day of Python talks & socializing.

When: Saturday, January, 31st 9am - 5pm
Where: University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Price: Free!
Details and updated information:

The day will be mostly 30 minute talks and two sets of 5 minute
lightning talks. We'll also have plenty of time to chat over lunch and

We still have room for a few more talks, please propose a talk!
( for details)

Please join us and forward this on to other Python people!

Take care,

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