From renesd at Sat Aug 1 06:57:20 2009 From: renesd at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Ren=E9_Dudfield?=) Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2009 21:57:20 -0700 (PDT) Subject: ANNOUNCE: pygame 1.9.0 released! Message-ID: <> What's new (heaps of things since 1.8.1): Summary of changes: - many, many fixes and improvements. The largest amount of changes has gone into this release than any other pygame release. - bug fixes for backwards compatibility issues introduced in pygame 1.8.x series. old games like solarwolf and libraries like PGU work again. - experimental camera webcam module (still in development). - experimental midi module based on portmidi and pyportmidi (99% complete). - experimental gfxdraw module based on SDL_gfx (including AA circles, textured polygons and other goodness). - python3, and python3.1 support mostly completed. Some modules still remain to be completed - but mostly it's working. - nokia mobile phone s60 support. - improved OSX support (dropped pyobjc dependency, improved installer, sysfont now works on OSX). - pygame.examples + pygame.tests included with pygame. This makes testing easier, and also makes learning pygame more fun and easy. - cleanup of examples, and addition of new examples. - new tools to aid in development of pygame itself, better compilation documentation. - py2app, and py2exe support improved. Files are up on the download page From gerard.vermeulen at Sun Aug 2 16:02:36 2009 From: gerard.vermeulen at (Gerard Vermeulen) Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2009 16:02:36 +0200 Subject: PyQwt-5.2.0 released Message-ID: <> What is PyQwt ( ) ? - it is a set of Python bindings for the Qwt C++ class library which extends the Qt framework with widgets for scientific and engineering applications. It provides a 2-dimensional plotting widget and various widgets to display and control bounded or unbounded floating point values. - it requires and extends PyQt, a set of Python bindings for Qt. - it supports the use of PyQt, Qt, Qwt, and optionally NumPy or SciPy in a GUI Python application or in an interactive Python session. - it runs on POSIX, Mac OS X and Windows platforms (practically any platform supported by Qt and Python). - it plots fast: fairly good hardware allows a rate of 100,000 points/second. (PyQwt with Qt-3 is faster than with Qt-4). - it is licensed under the GPL with an exception to allow dynamic linking with non-free releases of Qt and PyQt. The most important new features of PyQwt v5.2.0 are: - support for Qwt v5.2.0 - support for PyQt4 upto v4.5.4, PyQt3 upto v3.18.1, and SIP upto v4.8.2. - switch to documentation generated by Sphinx. - provide a normal qwt plugin for the pyuic4 user interface compiler instead of the anormal qwt plugin included in PyQt. The most important bug fixes in PyQwt-5.2.0 are: - fixed crashes in the QImage-array conversion functions. - fixed three transfer of ownership bugs. PyQwt-5.2.0 supports: 1. Python v2.6.x and v2.5.x. 2. PyQt v3.18.1 downto v3.17.5. 3 PyQt v4.5.x, v4.4.x. 4 SIP v4.8.x downto v4.7.3. 5. Qt v3.3.x. 6. Qt v4.5.x, v4.4.x, and v4.3.x. 7. Qwt v5.2.x, v5.1.x, and v5.0.x. 8. Recent versions of NumPy, numarray, and/or Numeric. Enjoy -- Gerard Vermeulen From cthedot at Sun Aug 2 19:16:48 2009 From: cthedot at (Christof Hoeke) Date: Sun, 02 Aug 2009 19:16:48 +0200 Subject: ANN: cssutils 0.9.6b3 Message-ID: what is it ---------- A Python package to parse and build CSS Cascading Style Sheets. (Not a renderer though!) about this release ------------------ 0.9.6b3 adds a few features and fixes quite a few bugs. main changes ------------ + **FEATURE**: Added parsing support and new profile for details defined in module Fonts + **FEATURE**: Added ``cssutils.parseStyle(cssText, encoding='utf-8')`` convienience function + **FEATURE** (experimental, request from issue #27): Added ``css.CSSStyleDeclaration.children()`` which is a generator yielding any known children of a declaration including *all* properties, comments or CSSUnknownRules. + FEATURE: ``CSSStyleDeclaration.insertRule`` also accepts a ``CSSRuleList`` now (same as ``CSSStyleSheet`` which does this for some time now). + FEATURE: Added ``CSSStyleDeclaration.keys()`` method which analoguous to standard dict returns property names which are set in the declaration. - **API CHANGE**: Replaced attribute ``css.Property.parentStyle`` with ``css.Property.parent`` (``parentStyle`` is DEPRECATED now). + **BUGFIX**: Improved child and parent node referencing. + **BUGFIX**: Parsing of CSSValues with unknown function names with a specific length of 4 or 7 chars were resulting in a SyntaxErr. Also parsing of comma separated list of CSS FUNCTION values works now. + BUGFIX: Fixed validation problems: - ``font-family: a b`` (values with spaces in names without being quoted) are parsed now without emitting an ERROR. These are indeed valid but discouraged and you should use quotes (more than one space is compacted to a single space anyway so rather complicated without quotes) - negative lengths for the ``font-size`` property are now properly reported as ERRORs - IMPROVEMENT (minor): cssutils sets the HTTP header ``User-Agent`` now when fetching sheets over HTTP (with e.g. ``cssutils.parseUrl``). - *FEATURE* (experimental): Added support to at least parse sheets with Microsoft only property values for ``filter`` which start with ``progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.[...](``. To enable these you need to set:: >>> from cssutils import settings >>> settings.set('DXImageTransform.Microsoft', True) >>> cssutils.ser.prefs.useMinified() >>> text = 'a {filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage( rotation = 90 )}' >>> print cssutils.parseString(text).cssText a{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=90)} >>> This currently is a **major hack** but if you like to minimize sheets in the wild which use this kind of CSS cssutils at least can parse and reserialize them. license ------- cssutils is published under the LGPL version 3 or later, see If you have other licensing needs please let me know. download -------- For download options see cssutils needs Python 2.4 or higher (tested with Python 2.6.2, 2.5.2, 2.4.4 and Jython 2.5 on Vista only) Bug reports (via Google code), comments, etc are very much appreciated! Thanks. Christof From mmanns at Sun Aug 2 20:15:40 2009 From: mmanns at (Martin Manns) Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2009 20:15:40 +0200 Subject: ANN: Pyspread 0.0.12 Message-ID: <20090802201540.1f6803d7@Knock> Pyspread 0.0.12 released ======================== I am pleased to announce the new release 0.0.12 of pyspread. About: ------ Pyspread is a cross-platform Python spreadsheet application. It is based on and written in the programming language Python. Instead of spreadsheet formulas, Python expressions are entered into the spreadsheet cells. Each expression returns a Python object that can be accessed from other cells. These objects can represent anything including lists or matrices. Pyspread runs on Linux, Windows and *nix platforms with GTK support. I have reports that it works with MacOS X as well. Homepage: --------- New features in 0.0.12: ----------------------- * ODF file support * Detachable tool bars * Cells now support attributes such as fonts, borders, colors * Cells can now be painted on from inside a macro function * Major speed-up and memory reduction * Dependency to networkx removed * Frozen cells that are not updated introduced * Style toolbar added * Find toolbar added * Regular expression search added * Zoom functionality added * Default text color changed to system default (for black themes) * Ok and Cancel buttons swapped in New sheet dialog Bugfixes: --------- * Strange arange reference behaviour fixed (BUG 2760121) * stt = sum(S[16:18,Y,0]) raises TypeError fixed (BUG 2579698) * On Windows, some dialogs have to be closed twice. (fixed) * Recursion detection dows not work on nested structures, i.e. when S[2,2,2] is referred to from inside a container object, pyspread will not realize a cycle. Therefore, a "Maximum recursion depth" error is reported (fixed) Known issues: ------------- * ODF documents with many columns and rows can freeze pyspread on loading (use the old pys format instead) * Horizontal cell alignment missing * Some fonts throw an error message when scrolling (but work nonetheless) * Fonts are not included in ODF files * Cell attributes are not copied or deleted with cell content Martin From edreamleo at Mon Aug 3 17:26:24 2009 From: edreamleo at (Edward K Ream) Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2009 10:26:24 -0500 Subject: ANN: Leo 4.6.2 final released Message-ID: Leo 4.6.2 final is now available at: Leo is a text editor, data organizer, project manager and much more. See: Leo 4.6.2 fixes several bugs reported since Leo 4.6 was released. The highlights of Leo 4.6 -------------------------- - Cached external files *greatly* reduces the time to load .leo files. - Leo now features a modern Qt interface by default. Leo's legacy Tk interface can also be used. - New --config, --file and --gui command-line options. - Leo tests syntax of .py files when saving them. - Leo can now open any kind of file into @edit nodes. - @auto-rst nodes allow easy editing of reStructuredText files. - Properties of commanders, positions and nodes simplify programming. - Improved Leo's unit testing framework. - Leo now requires Python 2.5 or later. - Dozens of small improvements and bug fixes. Links: ------ Leo: Forum: Download: Bzr: Quotes: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Edward K. Ream email: edreamleo at Leo: -------------------------------------------------------------------- From edreamleo at Mon Aug 3 17:26:36 2009 From: edreamleo at (Edward K Ream) Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2009 10:26:36 -0500 Subject: ANN: Leo 4.6.2 final released Message-ID: Leo 4.6.2 final is now available at: Leo is a text editor, data organizer, project manager and much more. See: Leo 4.6.2 fixes several bugs reported since Leo 4.6 was released. The highlights of Leo 4.6 -------------------------- - Cached external files *greatly* reduces the time to load .leo files. - Leo now features a modern Qt interface by default. Leo's legacy Tk interface can also be used. - New --config, --file and --gui command-line options. - Leo tests syntax of .py files when saving them. - Leo can now open any kind of file into @edit nodes. - @auto-rst nodes allow easy editing of reStructuredText files. - Properties of commanders, positions and nodes simplify programming. - Improved Leo's unit testing framework. - Leo now requires Python 2.5 or later. - Dozens of small improvements and bug fixes. Links: ------ Leo: Forum: Download: Bzr: Quotes: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Edward K. Ream email: edreamleo at Leo: -------------------------------------------------------------------- From joshua at Mon Aug 3 05:18:43 2009 From: joshua at (Joshua J. Kugler) Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2009 19:18:43 -0800 Subject: ANNOUNCE: AwstatsReader 0.01 Message-ID: <> ABOUT THE MODULE ================ AwstatsReader is an attempt at a pythonic interface to AWStats data cache files. ?Using it, you can access year, month, and individual data points via dictionary-like accessors. Download here: ABOUT THE AUTHOR ================ Joshua Kugler (joshua at is a programmer and system administrator with over 10 years of industry experience. ?He is currently looking for a job. ?Happen to have one you could offer him? :) Resume at: DISCLAIMER ========== This is a "release early, release often" release, codnamed Joshua-hopes- somebody-downloads-this-and-likes-code-quality-and-hires-him. This is an early release...probably pre-alpha. ?There are no tests yet (haven't generated cache files I can release publically), not much documentation, and the interface may change (but I hope not too much). And I haven't even put this in a public repository, as the name might (but probably won't) change. I wrote this via examples from an AWStats cache file, so I'm sure there are sections for which I do not have definitions. ?If you would send me those sections, I'll be sure to add them. The error handling is probably a little light. ?Certainly could be improved. Right now, this will parse and display cache files from AWStats 6.5. I've not tested other versions yet, as 6.5 is the only version I've had access to so far. INSTALLATION ============ See INSTALL LICENSE ======= See COPYING EXAMPLE ======= import AwstatsReader obj ?= AwstatsReader.AwstatsReader('/path/to/awstats_logs', '') print obj[2007] print obj[2008][6] m = obj[2009][7] print m['general'] # Access like a dictionary... print m['general']['LastLine'] #...or like an object attribute print m['general'].LastLine print m.general.LastLine FEEDBACK ======== Please send questions/comments/suggestions to awstatsreader at For now, you can find the latest version here: From r1chardj0n3s at Mon Aug 3 03:07:55 2009 From: r1chardj0n3s at (Richard Jones) Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2009 11:07:55 +1000 Subject: Registation is open for the 9th PyWeek game programming challenge! Message-ID: <> The ninth PyWeek challenge will run between: Sunday 30th August to Sunday 6th September (00:00UTC to 00:00UTC) The PyWeek challenge invites entrants to write a game in one week from scratch either as an individual or in a team. Entries must be developed in Python, during the challenge, and must incorporate some theme chosen at the start of the challenge. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN -- Visit the challenge website to sign up, join discussions in the message board or read the timetable and rules: PLANNING FOR THE CHALLENGE -- Make sure you have working versions of the libraries you're going to use. The rules page has a list of libraries and other resources. Make sure you can build packages to submit as your final submission (if you're going to use py2exe, make sure you know how to use it and that it works). If you don't have access to Linux, Windows or a Mac to test on, contact friends, family or other competitors to find someone who is able to test for you. From syhpoon at Mon Aug 3 01:32:03 2009 From: syhpoon at (Max E. Kuznecov) Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2009 02:32:03 +0300 Subject: ANN: xyzcmd-0.0.1beta Message-ID: <> xyzcmd 0.0.1beta released ==================== I am pleased to announce the first beta release of xyzcmd About: ------ xyzcmd is a pure console visual file manager. Main features: * Tight integration with python run-time system -- most of the settings can be changed "on the fly" via management console. * Powerful configuration system -- define own actions, aliases, internal commands, key bindings. * Extensible plug-in system -- even core functionality implemented mainly using plug-ins, keeping base system small and clean. * Customizable look-n-feel -- every widget component as well as file-system objects look can be changed via skins. Homepage: ---------------- Note: ------- xyzcmd is currently in early beta state, it still lacks a lot of features, like VFS support, readline auto-completion, internationalization, hooks and so on. All these features are planned for the next releases. -- ~syhpoon From holger at Tue Aug 4 19:58:16 2009 From: holger at (holger krekel) Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2009 19:58:16 +0200 Subject: pylib/py.test 1.0.0 released Message-ID: <> Hi all, i am happy to announce pylib/py.test 1.0.0, a MIT-licensed library geared towards advanced testing and elastic distributed programming with Python. It features the mature cross-project py.test automated testing tool with many new features, aiming to: * allow writing zero-boilerplate automated tests in Python * offer strong debugging and reporting of test failures * rapidly run and ad-hoc distribute tests to multiple CPUs/platforms * support unit-, functional and integration testing * be easy to extend and tackle growing testing needs, (current prime example oejskit, a live-browser javascript unittesting 3rd party plugin) Please check things out at: or read the blogged release announcement: or read on for some ... Distinctive new features shipping with py.test 1.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------ For those already knowing about the older 0.9.2 release or being experienced with other testing approaches i'll try to give a summary of the distinctive testing features shipping with 1.0.0: * test function arguments ("funcargs"): With this, python test functions can name arguments and one writes factory functions to provide instances for such "fixture" arguments. This page contains reference info and tutorial examples. Test function arguments also allow for natural test parametrization - one provides several different argument values, no changes to the test function needed, no magic "yield" for generating tests anymore - although 1.0 still allows them and of course still supports traditional xUnit-style setup_module/class/function or (new) direct runs of unittest.TestCase style tests. * distributed testing: distributing test runs among Linux/OSX/Windows hosts and across python-2.4 till python-2.6 interpreters works reasonably stable now. This means that you can easily iron out test-module/function specific problems across a variety of platforms, accelerating the change & test feedback cycle. * xfail: a new way to mark tests as "expected to fail" which means they run normally but are reported/counted specially. This "xfail" mark is meant to mark missing / wrong implementation rather than missing dependencies / wrong platforms for which one uses "skip". Especially for larger test suites making this distinction is very helpful. * IO-capturing: output of test functions is captured per-test, by default including any output from sub processes. This works on all platforms and also (now) interacts well with the logging module without importing/using it itself so there are no interferences. * pastebin: new command line option "--pastebin" to send your test session output or individual test failures to the Pocoo pastebin service and prints out URLs. Convenient for quick IRC/messaging communication. * plugins: it is now easy to write plugins by implementing one or more of the 37 hooks which py.test calls to implement the testing process. There are many examples, among them the "oejskit" plugin which integrates testing of javascript code in real-life browsers into a regular test run. Apart from such separately distributed "cross-project" plugins you can also write per-project plugins/extensions that lives with your testing code. cheers & have fun, holger -- Metaprogramming, Python, Testing: Python, PyPy, pytest contracting: From alberanid at Tue Aug 4 18:59:42 2009 From: alberanid at (Davide Alberani) Date: Tue, 04 Aug 2009 18:59:42 +0200 Subject: RunPON 0.3 Message-ID: <2332771.9A2HvPv6tv@snoopy.mio> RunPON 0.3 can be downloaded from here: (mercurial repository) RunPON is a small Python program useful to run the pon/poff scripts. It shows the elapsed connection time and periodically checks if a given network interface is still active. It can run as a stand-alone application (with a status icon in the tray) or as a Gnome panel applet (and compatible panels). Obviously, modifying its configuration, it can run any program you like. It's still under heavy development, and so far its configuration is still hard-coded. If you want to help, please contact me at: da (AT) -- Davide Alberani [GPG KeyID: 0x465BFD47] From info at Tue Aug 4 21:58:47 2009 From: info at (eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg) Date: Tue, 04 Aug 2009 21:58:47 +0200 Subject: ANN: eGenix pyOpenSSL Distribution 0.9.0-0.9.8k now also in .egg format Message-ID: <> ________________________________________________________________________ ANNOUNCING pyOpenSSL Distribution Version 0.9.0-0.9.8k An easy to install and use repackaged distribution of the pyOpenSSL Python interface for OpenSSL - available on Windows, Mac OS X and Unix platforms This announcement is also available on our web-site for online reading: ________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION The pyOpenSSL Distribution includes everything you need to get started with SSL in Python. It comes with an easy to use installer that includes the most recent OpenSSL library versions in pre-compiled form. pyOpenSSL is an open-source Python add-on ( that allows writing SSL aware networking applications as well as certificate management tools. OpenSSL is an open-source implementation of the SSL protocol ( For more information, please see the product page: ________________________________________________________________________ NEWS Due to popular demand, we've added .egg file versions for Windows and Linux to the available download options. This should make things easier for people using e.g. zc.buildout and other egg-file based installers. As always, binaries include both pyOpenSSL and the necessary OpenSSL libraries. ________________________________________________________________________ DOWNLOADS The download archives and instructions for installing the package can be found at: ________________________________________________________________________ UPGRADING Before installing this version of pyOpenSSL, please make sure that you uninstall any previously installed pyOpenSSL version. Otherwise, you could end up not using the included OpenSSL libs. _______________________________________________________________________ SUPPORT Commercial support for these packages is available from Please see for details about our support offerings. Enjoy, -- Marc-Andre Lemburg Professional Python Services directly from the Source (#1, Aug 04 2009) >>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ... >>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ... >>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ... ________________________________________________________________________ ::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! :::: Software, Skills and Services GmbH Pastor-Loeh-Str.48 D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611 From stephen.c.waterbury at Wed Aug 5 17:39:14 2009 From: stephen.c.waterbury at (Stephen Waterbury) Date: Wed, 05 Aug 2009 11:39:14 -0400 Subject: The BACON-PIG flies again: August 24 Message-ID: <> The next meeting of the BACON-PIG (The Baltimore, Annapolis, Columbia, and Other Northern dc suburbs Python Interest Group) will occur at the following spacetime coordinates: Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Space: Howard County Central Library, Columbia, MD Google Map link: Monitor the BACON-PIG web site for more details and agenda: Area Pythonistas are encouraged to join the BACON-PIG list: Cheers, Steve Waterbury From pedronis at Wed Aug 5 19:52:45 2009 From: pedronis at (Samuele Pedroni) Date: Wed, 05 Aug 2009 19:52:45 +0200 Subject: ANN: oejskit 0.8.6 JavaScript in-browser testing and utility kit with plugin for py.test 1.0 final Message-ID: <> 0.8.6 fixes some last minute compatibility issues with py.test 1.0 final, it also includes experimental glue code to be used just with plain standard library about the latter see this post to testing in python: About OE jskit: jskit contains infrastructure and in particular a py.test plugin to enable running unit tests for JavaScript code inside browsers. The plugin requires py.test 1.0 The approach also enables to write integration tests such that the JavaScript code is tested against server-side Python code mocked as necessary. Any server-side framework that can already be exposed through WSGI can play. More information and downloading at: including a changelog, documentation and the talk I gave at Europython. jskit was initially developed by Open End AB and is released under the MIT license. In various incarnations it has been in use and useful at Open End for more than a year, we are quite happy to share it. Samuele Pedroni for Open End From martien.friedeman at Thu Aug 6 02:40:03 2009 From: martien.friedeman at (hans moleman) Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 17:40:03 -0700 (PDT) Subject: CodeInvestigator version 0.14.0 Message-ID: <> CodeInvestigator version 0.14.0 was released on August 6. Required Python version: >= 2.6 and < 3.0 Changes: Unicode characters. They are handled better. Performance changes: The database is written more efficiently, so that recording takes less time. Performance tip: deleting ALL runs at the same time is fastest; I then initialize the database. CodeInvestigator is a tracing tool for Python programs. Running a program through CodeInvestigator creates a recording. Program flow, function calls, variable values and conditions are all stored for every line the program executes. The recording is then viewed with an interface consisting of the code. The code can be clicked: A clicked variable displays its value, a clicked loop displays its iterations. You read code, and have at your disposal all the run time details of that code. A computerized desk check tool and another way to learn about your program. From mike at Thu Aug 6 05:12:57 2009 From: mike at (Mike Driscoll) Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 22:12:57 -0500 Subject: Pyowa Meeting Tomorrow (8/6) Message-ID: <> Pyowa Meeting - Thursday, Aug. 8th, 2009 Time: 6:30 - 8:45 p.m. Location: Ames Public Library, Founders Suite, Ames, IA Itinerary: - Presentation on Building Executables and Installers with GUI2Exe and Inno Setup - Possible group programming exercise - Social Time We hope to see you there! -------------------- Mike Driscoll From olivier at Thu Aug 6 12:47:45 2009 From: olivier at (Olivier Tilloy) Date: Thu, 06 Aug 2009 12:47:45 +0200 Subject: Moovida Media Center 1.0.6 Release Message-ID: <> Dear Python users, The Moovida team is happy to announce the release of Moovida Media Center 1.0.6, code-named "Jana". Moovida, formerly known as Elisa, is a cross-platform and open-source Media Center written in Python. It uses GStreamer [1] for media playback and pigment [2] to create an appealing and intuitive user interface. This new version fixes many important bugs (see attached release notes) among which crashes on windows (reduced by 35%) and improves the overall performance (the UI is twice as fluid and Moovida uses 10MB less memory). Thanks to contributions from the community, Moovida now ships with complete translations for Spanish, French, Italian, Polish and Brazilian Portuguese. Everyone is welcome to contribute to translate Moovida in their mother tongue: see This release is a lightweight release, meaning it is pushed through our automatic plugin update system. Additionally a windows installer is available for download on our website. As usual, for users already running Moovida, the upgrade to 1.0.6 should be done automatically via the plugin repository. A complete list of the issues fixed can be found at: This is also summarised in the (attached) release notes. Installers and sources can be downloaded from Bug reports and feature requests are welcome at Have a media-centered week, Olivier, for the Moovida team [1] [2] -------------- next part -------------- An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... Name: RELEASE URL: From jim at Thu Aug 6 14:10:42 2009 From: jim at (Jim Fulton) Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2009 08:10:42 -0400 Subject: CVE-2009-0668 and CVE-2009-0669: Releases to fix ZODB ZEO server vulnerabilities Message-ID: <> Vulnerabilities have been found in the Zope Object Database (ZODB) Zope Enterprise Objects (ZEO) network protocol that allow: CVE-2009-0668 Arbitrary Python code execution in ZODB ZEO storage servers CVE-2009-0669 Authentication bypass in ZODB ZEO storage servers The vulnerabilities only apply if you are using ZEO to share a database among multiple applications or application instances and if untrusted clients are able to connect to your ZEO servers. The first vulnerability (CVE-2009-0668) was introduced in ZODB 3.3 (Zope 2.8). The second vulnerability (CVE-2009-0669) was introduced in ZODB 3.2 (Zope 2.7). Overview These vulnerabilities are addressed by updates to ZODB. Newer releases of Zope are also being provided for people who get ZODB with Zope releases. A new release of ZODB is available here: (There is also a new development release at New Zope releases that include the fixes can be found here: We recommend updating any ZEO storoage servers you're running to ZODB 3.8.2 (or ZODB 3.9.0b5) or to ZODB software provided with the Zope releases listed above. These versions support ZEO clients as old as ZODB 3.2. It isn't necessary to update client software (such as Zope application servers). Restricting access to ZEO storage servers It is very important to restrict write access to ZODB databases. These releases only protect against vulnerabilities in the ZEO network protocol. ZODB uses Python pickles to store data. Loading data from the database can cause arbitrary code to be executed as part of object deserialization. Clients have full access to manipulate database data. For this reason, it is very important that only trusted clients be allowed to write to ZODB databases. Jim -- Jim Fulton From python-url at Thu Aug 6 20:21:58 2009 From: python-url at (Gabriel Genellina) Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2009 18:21:58 +0000 (UTC) Subject: Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Aug 6) Message-ID: QOTW: "The economy rises and falls, money comes and goes, but a great conference has permanent good effects. Well, a lot more permanent than government fiscal policy, anyway." - Python Software Foundation Director "bitter-in-victory-gracious-in-defeat-ly y'rs" timbot Is python free of "buffer overflow" errors? Lessons learned in implementation of a write-once dict: Methods, attributes, iterators, lambdas, and how Ruby handles them: Python 3 allows for custom types to be used as a class namespace not just dicts): Could Python be used to write a device driver? The various meanings of the underscore character '_' in identifiers: Generate a new object each time a name is imported: heapq.nlargest takes a "key" argument - why not the other functions in the same module? Immutable objects and how they could improve concurrency [old thread, still alive]: How to modify a variable in an outer (non global) scope: Best way to add "private" directories to sys.path: Interval arithmetic: Ensure that no more than three instances of the same program are running at the same time: Some people don't like the way Python documentation is managed/presented: ======================================================================== Everything Python-related you want is probably one or two clicks away in these pages:'s Python Language Website is the traditional center of Pythonia Notice especially the master FAQ PythonWare complements the digest you're reading with the marvelous daily python url Just beginning with Python? This page is a great place to start: The Python Papers aims to publish "the efforts of Python enthusiasts": The Python Magazine is a technical monthly devoted to Python: Readers have recommended the "Planet" sites: comp.lang.python.announce announces new Python software. Be sure to scan this newsgroup weekly. Python411 indexes "podcasts ... to help people learn Python ..." Updates appear more-than-weekly: The Python Package Index catalogues packages. Much of Python's real work takes place on Special-Interest Group mailing lists Python Success Stories--from air-traffic control to on-line match-making--can inspire you or decision-makers to whom you're subject with a vision of what the language makes practical. The Python Software Foundation (PSF) has replaced the Python Consortium as an independent nexus of activity. It has official responsibility for Python's development and maintenance. Among the ways you can support PSF is with a donation. The Summary of Python Tracker Issues is an automatically generated report summarizing new bugs, closed ones, and patch submissions. Although unmaintained since 2002, the Cetus collection of Python hyperlinks retains a few gems. Python FAQTS The Cookbook is a collaborative effort to capture useful and interesting recipes. Many Python conferences around the world are in preparation. Watch this space for links to them. Among several Python-oriented RSS/RDF feeds available, see: For more, see: The old Python "To-Do List" now lives principally in a SourceForge reincarnation. presents an intriguing approach to reference commentary. It already aggregates quite a bit of Python intelligence. Enjoy the *Python Magazine*. *Py: the Journal of the Python Language* Dr.Dobb's Portal is another source of Python news and articles: and Python articles regularly appear at IBM DeveloperWorks: Previous - (U)se the (R)esource, (L)uke! - messages are listed here:!+group%3Acomp.lang.python&start=0&scoring=d& There is *not* an RSS for "Python-URL!"--at least not yet. Arguments for and against are occasionally entertained. Suggestions/corrections for next week's posting are always welcome. E-mail to should get through. To receive a new issue of this posting in e-mail each Monday morning (approximately), ask to subscribe. Mention "Python-URL!". Write to the same address to unsubscribe. -- The Python-URL! Team-- Phaseit, Inc. ( is pleased to participate in and sponsor the "Python-URL!" project. Watch this space for upcoming news about posting archives. From sschwarzer at Fri Aug 7 21:24:07 2009 From: sschwarzer at (Stefan Schwarzer) Date: Fri, 07 Aug 2009 21:24:07 +0200 Subject: [ANN] Leipzig Python User Group - Meeting, August 11, 2009, 08:00pm Message-ID: <> === Leipzig Python User Group === We will meet on Tuesday, August 11 at 8:00 pm at the training center of Python Academy in Leipzig, Germany ( ). We will talk about the EuroSciPy which took place at the end of July in Leipzig and was visited by three of our group's members. Food and soft drinks are provided. Please send a short confirmation mail to info at, so we can prepare appropriately. Everybody who uses Python, plans to do so or is interested in learning more about the language is encouraged to participate. While the meeting language will be mainly German, we will provide English translation if needed. Current information about the meetings are at . Stefan == Leipzig Python User Group === Wir treffen uns am Dienstag, 11.08.2009 um 20:00 Uhr im Schulungszentrum der Python Academy in Leipzig ( ). Wir werden ?ber die EuroSciPy Ende Juli in Leipzig sprechen, an der drei Mitglieder unserer Gruppe teilgenommen haben. F?r das leibliche Wohl wird gesorgt. Eine Anmeldung unter info at w?re nett, damit wir genug Essen besorgen k?nnen. Willkommen ist jeder, der Interesse an Python hat, die Sprache bereits nutzt oder nutzen m?chte. Aktuelle Informationen zu den Treffen sind unter zu finden. Viele Gr??e Stefan From van.lindberg at Fri Aug 7 21:22:16 2009 From: van.lindberg at (VanL) Date: Fri, 07 Aug 2009 14:22:16 -0500 Subject: Survey: Does your company use Python? Do you know a company that uses Python? Message-ID: <> This is a survey to find as many companies using Python as we can. You can see the survey below: You don't need to work at the company to add it to this list! We will filter for duplicates. The answers to this survey will be kept private. If you still don't want to identify yourself, no problem! We just want to know where Python is being used. From vinay_sajip at Sat Aug 8 13:38:13 2009 From: vinay_sajip at (Vinay Sajip) Date: Sat, 8 Aug 2009 04:38:13 -0700 (PDT) Subject: ANN: gnupg v0.2.1 released Message-ID: <> A new version of the Python module which wraps GnuPG has been released. What Changed? ============= This is a minor bug-fix release. See the project website ( ) for more information. The current version passes all tests on Windows (Python 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 3.1, Jython 2.5.0) and Ubuntu (Python 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 3.0, Jython 2.5.0). What Does It Do? ================ The gnupg module allows Python programs to make use of the functionality provided by the Gnu Privacy Guard (abbreviated GPG or GnuPG). Using this module, Python programs can encrypt and decrypt data, digitally sign documents and verify digital signatures, manage (generate, list and delete) encryption keys, using proven Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) encryption technology based on OpenPGP. This module is expected to be used with Python versions >= 2.4, as it makes use of the subprocess module which appeared in that version of Python. This module is a newer version derived from earlier work by Andrew Kuchling, Richard Jones and Steve Traugott. A test suite using unittest is included with the source distribution. Simple usage: >>> import gnupg >>> gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome='/path/to/keyring/directory') >>> gpg.list_keys() [{ ... 'fingerprint': 'F819EE7705497D73E3CCEE65197D5DAC68F1AAB2', 'keyid': '197D5DAC68F1AAB2', 'length': '1024', 'type': 'pub', 'uids': ['', 'Gary Gross (A test user) ']}, { ... 'fingerprint': '37F24DD4B918CC264D4F31D60C5FEFA7A921FC4A', 'keyid': '0C5FEFA7A921FC4A', 'length': '1024', ... 'uids': ['', 'Danny Davis (A test user) ']}] >>> encrypted = gpg.encrypt("Hello, world!", ['0C5FEFA7A921FC4A']) >>> str(encrypted) '-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\nVersion: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)\n \nhQIOA/6NHMDTXUwcEAf ... -----END PGP MESSAGE-----\n' >>> decrypted = gpg.decrypt(str(encrypted), passphrase='secret') >>> str(decrypted) 'Hello, world!' >>> signed = gpg.sign("Goodbye, world!", passphrase='secret') >>> verified = verified = gpg.verify(str(signed)) >>> print "Verified" if verified else "Not verified" 'Verified' For more information, visit - as always, your feedback is most welcome (especially bug reports, patches and suggestions for improvement). Enjoy! Cheers Vinay Sajip Red Dove Consultants Ltd. From ziade.tarek at Sun Aug 9 02:01:26 2009 From: ziade.tarek at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Tarek_Ziad=E9?=) Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2009 02:01:26 +0200 Subject: Distribute 0.6 released Message-ID: <> Hi all, I am pleased to announce the release of Distribute 0.6. Distribute is a friendly fork of the Setuptools project. You can get more info, download it and install it using the instructions from its PyPI page : --- CHANGES (compared to setuptools 0.6c9) : setuptools * Packages required at build time where not fully present at install time. This closes * Protected against failures in tarfile extraction. This closes * Made Jython api_tests.txt doctest compatible. This closes * replaced builtin type file with builtin function open. This closes * Immediately close all file handles. This closes * Added compatibility with Subversion 1.6. This references pkg_resources * Avoid a call to /usr/bin/sw_vers on OSX and use the official platform API instead. Based on a patch from ronaldoussoren. This closes * Fixed a SandboxViolation for mkdir that could occur in certain cases. This closes * Allow to find_on_path on systems with tight permissions to fail gracefully. This closes * Corrected inconsistency between documentation and code of add_entry. This closes * Immediately close all file handles. This closes easy_install * Immediately close all file handles. This closes Cheers Tarek -- Tarek Ziad? | From garabik-news-2005-05 at Sun Aug 9 22:19:58 2009 From: garabik-news-2005-05 at (garabik-news-2005-05 at Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2009 20:19:58 +0000 (UTC) Subject: ANN: python-utmp 0.8 Message-ID: python-utmp 0.8 =============== python-utmp provides 3 modules to access utmp and wtmp records: * utmpaccess is lowlevel module written in C, wrapping/emulating glibc functions * UTMPCONST provides useful constants * utmp is module build on top of utmpaccess module, providing object oriented interface. Module works on both SysV and BSD systems. Notable changes: * some support for python3 * __repr__ method for UtmpRecord and UtmpEntry URL: License: almost public domain -- ----------------------------------------------------------- | Radovan Garab?k | | __..--^^^--..__ garabik @ | ----------------------------------------------------------- Antivirus alert: file .signature infected by signature virus. Hi! I'm a signature virus! Copy me into your signature file to help me spread! From richardjones at Mon Aug 10 06:35:51 2009 From: richardjones at (Richard Jones) Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 14:35:51 +1000 Subject: Roundup Issue Tracker 1.4.9 released Message-ID: I'm proud to release version 1.4.9 of Roundup which fixes some bugs: - fixed action taken in response to invalid GET request - fixed classic tracker template to submit POST requests when appropriate - fix problems with french and german locale files (issue 2550546) - Run each message of the mail-gateway in a separate transaction, see - fix problem with bounce-message if incoming mail has insufficient privilege, e.g., user not existing (issue 2550534) - fix construction of individual messages to nosy recipents with attachments (issue 2550568) - re-order sqlite imports to handle multiple installed versions (issue 2550570) - don't show entire history by default (fixes - remove use of string exception If you're upgrading from an older version of Roundup you *must* follow the "Software Upgrade" guidelines given in the maintenance documentation. Roundup requires python 2.3 or later (but not 3+) for correct operation. To give Roundup a try, just download (see below), unpack and run:: roundup-demo Release info and download page: Source and documentation is available at the website: Mailing lists - the place to ask questions: About Roundup ============= Roundup is a simple-to-use and -install issue-tracking system with command-line, web and e-mail interfaces. It is based on the winning design from Ka-Ping Yee in the Software Carpentry "Track" design competition. Note: Ping is not responsible for this project. The contact for this project is richard at Roundup manages a number of issues (with flexible properties such as "description", "priority", and so on) and provides the ability to: (a) submit new issues, (b) find and edit existing issues, and (c) discuss issues with other participants. The system will facilitate communication among the participants by managing discussions and notifying interested parties when issues are edited. One of the major design goals for Roundup that it be simple to get going. Roundup is therefore usable "out of the box" with any python 2.3+ (but not 3+) installation. It doesn't even need to be "installed" to be operational, though an install script is provided. It comes with two issue tracker templates (a classic bug/feature tracker and a minimal skeleton) and four database back-ends (anydbm, sqlite, mysql and postgresql). From lutz at Mon Aug 10 16:48:04 2009 From: lutz at (lutz at Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 10:48:04 -0400 (GMT-04:00) Subject: Florida Python training in October Message-ID: <> We're pleased to announce a new venue for our Python classes. Python author and trainer Mark Lutz will be teaching a 3-day Python class on October 20-22, in Sarasota, Florida. Come spend 3 days mastering Python, and enjoy all that Florida and its Gulf Coast have to offer while you're here. This is a public training session open to individual enrollments, and covers the same topics and hands-on lab work as the over 200 onsite sessions that Mark has taught. The class provides an in-depth introduction to both Python and its common applications, and parallels the instructor's best-selling Python books. This class is also newly retooled to cover recent changes in both Python 2.6 and 3.1. Whether you're using 2.X, using 3.X, or stuck somewhere between them, you'll find that our class is aimed at your needs. For more information on this session, please visit its web page: For additional background on the class itself, as well as a preview of our 2010 Florida class schedule, see our home page: Thanks for your interest, --Mark Lutz's Python Training Services From cbc at Tue Aug 11 01:07:32 2009 From: cbc at (Chris Calloway) Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 19:07:32 -0400 Subject: TriZPUG August 2009 Meeting Message-ID: <> Thursday, August 27, 7pm in Room 2015, Engineering Buildging I, NCSU Centennial Campus, Raleigh. Canonical developer Gary Poster will give his OSCON presentation "Launchpad Foundations: If the Abstractions Don't Kill Us..." The talk is about how Launchpad uses the zope.interface and zope.component libraries. The talk is based on interviews with Launchpad engineers. The talk discusses how we might improve our use of the Zope Component Architecture, how the technology might be change, and how the technology might be used in other contexts like Django. We will adjourn for food and beverage at a local eatery after the meeting. -- Sincerely, Chris Calloway office: 332 Chapman Hall phone: (919) 599-3530 mail: Campus Box #3300, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599 From bray at Tue Aug 11 01:42:03 2009 From: bray at (Brian Ray) Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 18:42:03 -0500 Subject: ANN Join ChiPy on Thursday August 13, 2009 Matplotlib, best meeting ever. Message-ID: Chicago Python User Group ========================= We welcome back Dr John Hunter. Matplotlib is probably the most popular open source 2D plotting library ever. It has multiple rendering engines, supports tons of plot formats, and even typesets complicated equations properly. Matplotlib, makes "easy things easy and hard things possible. " Our host for the meeting is Sully's House Tap Room & Grill. All ages are welcome to this Free Private Event. For those of age, Sully?s House offer 20 Beers on tap, and 35 Bottles - all craft and microbrewery, specializing in Belgium, Irish and German selections. Enjoy great Bar Food & Pizza from our Italian Oven and Daily discounted menu specials. The host has given us a dedicated bartender. We will meet in the private party room on the second floor that is well equipped with top of the line video equipment ? 100? HD screen & full A/V accessibility with Rock Band & Wii. Nice big space, bring a friend. Thanks Sully's!!! This *will* be our best meeting yet. Put this on your calendar. All levels welcome! New to Python, welcome. Scientist, welcome. Financial plotting people, welcome. Curious... come on up to the second floor at Sullys this Thursday. Forward this to others! Topics ------ * (45 min) Matplotlib, the popular 2D Plotting by Dr. John Hunter, the creator of Matplotlib * (15 min) Rohit Sankaran: Rendezvous - for scheduling meetings and other events. It's not the same codebase as Meetshop but it strives for similar functionality. * (15 min) bcfg2 configuration management - Narayan Desai * (15 min) Application messaging architecture using AMQP - Garrett Smith * (15 min) Configator: It Chomps Config - Pete Fein When ---- Thursday, August 13th, ~7pm Location -------- Sully?s House Tap Room & Grill, 1501 N. Dayton St. Chicago, Illinois 60622 At the corner of Blackhawk and Dayton (2) Blocks from the North & Clybourn Red Line stop. Free street parking available. About ChiPy ----------- ChiPy is a group of Chicago Python Programmers, l33t, and n00bs. Meetings are held monthly at various locations around Chicago. Also, ChiPy is a proud sponsor of many Open Source and Educational efforts in Chicago. Stay tuned to the mailing list for more info. ChiPy website: ChiPy Mailing List: ChiPy Announcement *ONLY* Mailing List: Python website: From hjtoi-better-remove-before-reply at Tue Aug 11 06:25:46 2009 From: hjtoi-better-remove-before-reply at (Heikki Toivonen) Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 21:25:46 -0700 Subject: ANN: M2Crypto 0.20 Message-ID: I am please to announce the M2Crypto 0.20 release, which was in development for over nine months. Over 30 bugs fixed by more than ten people. Download links and bug filing instructions on the homepage at M2Crypto is the most complete Python wrapper for OpenSSL featuring RSA, DSA, DH, HMACs, message digests, symmetric ciphers (including AES); SSL functionality to implement clients and servers; HTTPS extensions to Python's httplib, urllib, and xmlrpclib; unforgeable HMAC'ing AuthCookies for web session management; FTP/TLS client and server; S/MIME; ZServerSSL: A HTTPS server for Zope and ZSmime: An S/MIME messenger for Zope. Smartcards supported with the Engine interface. Changelog: - Deprecated M2Crypto.PGP subpackage since nobody seems to be using it nor is it being maintained (if you do use it, please let me know) - Added to help work around differences on Fedora Core -based distributions (RedHat, CentOS, ...); thanks to Miloslav Trmac - Added X509.load_request_bio and load_request_string, by Hartmut Goebel and Pavel Shramov - Added alias X509.Request.set_subject for set_subject_name to match X509.X509, by Pavel Shramov - OBJ_* wrappers did not work properly with OpenSSL 0.9.8a and earlier, fix by Pavel Shramov - Added ASN1_UTCTIME.get_datetime and set_datetime, by Pavel Shramov - Fixed obj_obj2txt, which returned nonsense, fix by Barney Stratford - m2urllib did not close sockets properly, fix by Miloslav Trmac - Allow SSL peer certificate to have subjectAltName without dNSName and use commonName for hostname check, fix by Miloslav Trmac - threading_locking_callback did not block on a lock when the lock was held by another thread, by Miloslav Trmac - Allow more blocking OpenSSL functions to run without GIL, by Miloslav Trmac - Fixed httpslib to send only the path+query+fragment part of the URL when using CONNECT proxy, by James Bowes - SSLServer.__init__ now takes optional bind_and_activate parameter and initializes by calling SocketServer.BaseServer.__init__, which are Python 2.6 compatibility fixes, by Christian - ftpslib now works with Python 2.6, by Theodore A. Roth - httpslib.ProxyHTTPSConnection needs to cast port into integer, by John M. Schanck - Added support for RSASSA-PSS signing and verifying, by Chris Collis - Added support for disabling padding when using RSA encryption, by Chris Collis - ASN1_INTEGERs can now be larger than fits in an int, for example to support X509 certificates with large serial numbers, patch by Mikhail Vorozhtsov and testcase by Barry G. - Reverted a change done in 0.17 to m2urllib2 which changed urls to include host when it should stay as it was - httpslib no longer uses urllib; instead it uses urlparse for url parsing - SMIME.text_crlf and text_crlf_bio were always raising TypeError; fixed - EVP.load_key and load_key_bio fixed to raise EVP.EVPError and BIO.BIOError instead of str (str exceptions not allowed in Python 2.6 and later) - SSL.Session.load_session fixed to raise SSL.SSLError instead of str - SMIME.load_pkcs7, load_pkcs7_bio, smime_load_pkcs7, smime_load_pkcs7_bio, text_crlf, text_crlf_bio fixed to raise BIO.BIOError, SMIME.PKCS7_Error and SMIME.SMIME_Error as appropriate instead of str - Added FIPS mode to unit tests, and used FIPS-compliant key sizes in other tests, by Miloslav Trmac. Note that tests run much slower because of this! - Unit tests cover 80% of the code -- Heikki Toivonen - From daaifung at Tue Aug 11 15:30:21 2009 From: daaifung at (Robert Lofthouse) Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 14:30:21 +0100 Subject: DjangoCon Schedule Message-ID: <> Hi All, We have released the DjangoCon Schedule at: and will be releasing more information over the next day or two. DjangoCon is on 8th - 12th September in Portland, Oregon at the DoubleTree Green Hotel. We had a great time last year at Google HQ, where 250 people turned up for the first ever DjangoCon. Keynotes are: Avi Bryant, Ian Bicking and Ted Leung. We have a wide variety of talks from all aspects of the community, including a Technical Design Panel where you get to discuss design ideas/confusions with the Core devs. You can purchase tickets for the conference here - Robert Lofthouse DjangoCon Chairman - From bthate at Tue Aug 11 18:42:06 2009 From: bthate at (Bart Thate) Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 09:42:06 -0700 (PDT) Subject: GOZERBOT 0.9.1 released Message-ID: <> here it is .. GOZERBOT 0.9.1 !! Main change this time is the distribution method, we now provide a tar.gz with all the dependencies included. This means that you can run the bot locally without any root required. Python 2.5 or higher needed, see Enjoy ! about GOZERBOT: GOZERBOT is a channel bot that aids with conversation in irc channels and jabber conference rooms. its mainly used to serve rss feeds and to have custom commands made for the channel. More then just a channel bot GOZERBOT aims to provide a platform for the user to program his own bot and make it into something thats usefull. This is done with a plugin structure that makes it easy to program your own. But GOZERBOT comes with some batteries included, there are now over 100 plugins already written and ready for use. From gianmt at Tue Aug 11 22:31:18 2009 From: gianmt at (Gian Mario Tagliaretti) Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 22:31:18 +0200 Subject: [ANNOUNCE] PyGobject 2.19.0 - unstable Message-ID: <> I am pleased to announce version 2.19.0 of the Python bindings for GObject. The new release is available from as and its mirrors as soon as its synced correctly: What's new since PyGObject 2.18.0? - Add macros to help with Python list to/from GList/GSList conversions. (John Finlay) - GIO docs practically completed (Gian) - GFileInfo.list_attributes should accept None/NULL (Gian) - Strip out Windows DLL API macros (John Finlay) - Document that many functions got moved gobject -> glib (Paul) - Allow to work when there are tabs or multiple spaces after the struct keyword. (Murray Cumming) - Fix build when builddir is not the same as srcdir (Theppitak Karoonboonyanan) - Make gio.Emblem constructor new-style (Paul) - Cleanup GIO overrides to use Python function/method names (Paul) - Make codegen report errors using Python function/method names (Paul) - Fix object type in gio.BufferedInputStream_fill_async (Gian) - Wrap gio.BufferedInputStream.fill_async (Gian) - Add gio.BufferedOutputStream which was forgotten in the types (Gian) - Split overrides for gio.MemoryOutputStream (Gian) - Wrap gio.memory_input_stream_new_from_data (Gian) - Introduces the girepository module from the former PyBank (Simon van der Linden) - Add API appeared in 2.20 but not marked as such in gio docs (Gian) - Wrap gio.FileOutputStream.query_info_async (Gian) - Wrap gio.FileInputStream.query_async (Gian) - Install executable codegen parts with executing permissions (Paul) - Wrap gio.DataInputStream.read_line_async and read_until_async (Paul) - Fix gio.OutputStream.splice_async (Paul) - Add GIO 2.20 API and update docs (Gian) Blurb: GObject is a object system library used by GTK+ and GStreamer. PyGObject provides a convenient wrapper for the GObject library for use in Python programs, and takes care of many of the boring details such as managing memory and type casting. When combined with PyGTK, PyORBit and gnome-python, it can be used to write full featured Gnome applications. Like the GObject library itself PyGObject is licensed under the GNU LGPL, so is suitable for use in both free software and proprietary applications. It is already in use in many applications ranging from small single purpose scripts up to large full featured applications. PyGObject requires glib >= 2.14.0 and Python >= 2.3.5 to build. GIO bindings require glib >= 2.16.0. cheers -- Gian Mario Tagliaretti GNOME Foundation member gianmt at From mcfletch at Wed Aug 12 06:25:32 2009 From: mcfletch at (Mike C. Fletcher) Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:25:32 -0400 Subject: Exceptional Conditions: Regular Toronto Python User's group on Tuesday Message-ID: <> We'll have our regular Toronto Python User's Group (PyGTA) meeting on Tuesday the 18th of August. This month's topic: Exceptional Conditions: when to ignore, assert, raise, log, except, or email? When programming in Python, we often run into situations which are not "normal" or expected. Python allows you to deal with these situations in any number of different ways: * ignoring the error (letting a lower-level library raise an exception) * asserting an assumption (raising a generic error that says something shouldn't have happened) * raising an explicit error * returning a "success" flag with your "real" return value * providing finally/context-manager operations (unconditional cleanup) * logging the exceptional condition and continuing * logging the condition into a database * sending a syslog message * catching a particular error and ignoring * catching all errors and ignoring * displaying a nice error message to the user * emailing a user In our round-table on Tuesday we'll try to hash out when/where/why you would choose any or all of these approaches. Do you have coding standards that make exceptional conditions un-exceptional? Do you have tools you use to make logs more useful? Do you have a rule-of-thumb you apply to choose an approach? Are there different requirements for GUI versus Web applications? What about embedded/appliance applications? How much information should a user be given about a failure condition? We'll look at the various tools available and how to use them as well. We'll meet at our regular time and location, Linux Caffe at 7:10pm. BTW, we're looking for speakers and/or topics for September, October and beyond. We're particularly interested in new-user friendly topics that can help the (large) new crop of Pythonistas advance quickly. Email me with your suggestions or ideas, or bring them up at the meeting. Hope to see you on Tuesday, Mike -- ________________________________________________ Mike C. Fletcher Designer, VR Plumber, Coder From rogerb at Wed Aug 12 07:39:16 2009 From: rogerb at (Roger Binns) Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 22:39:16 -0700 Subject: APSW 3.6.17-r1 released Message-ID: <> APSW 3.6.17-r1 is now available. The home page is at which includes full documentation, source and binary distributions for Windows (Python 2.3 onwards including 3.0 & 3.1). The opensource license used is the zlib/png license. APSW is a wrapper around the SQLite embedded database that provides all SQLite API functionality in Python. It is not DBAPI compliant as it provides SQLite semantics. pysqlite provides DBAPI semantics. You can see the two approaches contrasted at Changelist is below and a clickable version at APSW has migrated from Subversion to Mercurial for source code control. Hosting remains at Google Code Updated a test due to VFS xUnlock errors now being ignored sometimes by SQLite (SQLite ticket 3946). The downloads page in the help didn?t mention the Windows Python 3.1 installer. Running the test suite is now integrated into so you can do the building and testing all in one go. Sample command line: $ python install test The test suite will now check the functionality of the FTS3, RTree and ICU extensions if they were included. (The Windows binary distribution includes FTS3 and RTree by default.) Fixed issue 55 where FTS3 was unintentionally omitted from the Windows binary distribution. Various documentation updates. Roger From phd at Wed Aug 12 12:24:53 2009 From: phd at (Oleg Broytmann) Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 14:24:53 +0400 Subject: SQLObject 0.11.0 Message-ID: <> Hello! I'm pleased to announce version 0.11.0, the first stable release of 0.11 branch of SQLObject. What is SQLObject ================= SQLObject is an object-relational mapper. Your database tables are described as classes, and rows are instances of those classes. SQLObject is meant to be easy to use and quick to get started with. SQLObject supports a number of backends: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Firebird, Sybase, MSSQL and MaxDB (also known as SAPDB). Where is SQLObject ================== Site: Development: Mailing list: Archives: Download: News and changes: What's New ========== News since 0.10 ----------------- Features & Interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Dropped support for Python 2.3. The minimal version of Python for SQLObject is 2.4 now. * Dropped support for PostgreSQL 7.2. The minimal supported version of PostgreSQL is 7.3 now. * New magic attribute 'j' similar to 'q' was added that automagically does join with the other table in MultipleJoin or RelatedJoin. * SQLObject can now create and drop a database in MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and Firebird/Interbase. * Added some support for schemas in PostgreSQL. * Added DecimalStringCol - similar to DecimalCol but stores data as strings to work around problems in some drivers and type affinity problem in SQLite. * Added sqlobject.include.hashcol.HashCol - a column type that automatically hashes anything going into it, and returns out an object that hashes anything being compared to itself. Basically, it's good for really simple one-way password fields, and it even supports the assignment of None to indicate no password set. By default, it uses the md5 library for hashing, but this can be changed in a HashCol definition. * RowDestroyedSignal and RowUpdatedSignal were added. Minor features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Use reversed() in manager/ instead of .__reversed__(). * Minor change in logging to console - logger no longer stores the output file, it gets the file from module sys every time by name; this means logging will use new sys.stdout (or stderr) in case the user changed them. * Changed the order of testing of SQLite modules - look for external PySQLite2 before sqlite3. For a more complete list, please see the news: Oleg. -- Oleg Broytmann phd at Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN. From nagappan at Thu Aug 13 09:42:56 2009 From: nagappan at (Nagappan Alagappan) Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 00:42:56 -0700 Subject: Announce: Linux Desktop Testing Project (LDTP) 1.7.0 released Message-ID: <> Greetings all, We are proud to announce the release of LDTP 1.7.0. This release features number of important breakthroughs in LDTP as well as in the field of Test Automation. This release note covers a brief introduction on LDTP followed by the list of new features and major bug fixes which makes this new version of LDTP the best of the breed. Useful references have been included at the end of this article for those who wish to hack / use LDTP. About LDTP: Linux Desktop Testing Project is aimed at producing high quality test automation framework (C / Python) and cutting-edge tools that can be used to test Linux Desktop and improve it. It uses the Accessibility libraries to poke through the application's user interface. The framework also has tools to record test-cases based on user events in the interface of the application which is under testing. We strive to help in building a quality desktop. LDTP NEWS Mago project uses LDTP - GLOM uses LDTP - Whats new in this release: Get the window uptime, maximize, minimize, close, activate all or any given window name are some of the noticable new APIs in this release. Generate key event function now uses xmodmap to determine the current local keyboard and generates the respective key codes. Bug fixes: 590755 ? Keycodes mismatch using generatekeyevent from python-ldtp 586655 ? typo hasstate example with more one state separator '+' instead of ',' 587614 ? Method to measure how long a window is showing up 588674 ? It would be nice if doesrowexist would look for partial matches 587456 ? checkrow action fails on tree table cell 583021 ? If an application changes a context, it is no longer found by LDTP 588819 ? 'import ldtp' freezes interpreter 589898 ? local variable 'gobject' referenced before assignment 586291 ? Subsequent tests fail when first one registers callback handlers 586657 ? Imporve user experience getallstates match for defined state constants Special thanks to Arvind Patil , Ara Pulido , Guofu Xu , nouar garcia-mardmabek , Jos? Luis Segura Lucas , Tim Sun , Anupa Kamath , Paul Larson , Murray Cumming , Armin Burgmeier , New API addition: Window maximize, minimize, close, activate APIs using python wnck module Download source tarball - Binary (openSUSE / Ubuntu / Fedora / Debian / RHEL / CentOS / Mandriva) - (Just scheduled in openSUSE build service, might take time to complete depending upon the server load) Eitan Isaacson has done a massive work on LDTPv2, a complete rewrite of LDTP in python using pyatspi, available through References: For detailed information on LDTP framework and latest updates visit For information on various APIs in LDTP including those added for this release can be got from To subscribe to LDTP mailing lists, visit IRC Channel - #ldtp on Thanks Nagappan -- Linux Desktop (GUI Application) Testing Project - From gianmt at Thu Aug 13 14:43:58 2009 From: gianmt at (Gian Mario Tagliaretti) Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 14:43:58 +0200 Subject: [ANNOUNCE] PyPoppler 0.10.1 Message-ID: <> I am pleased to announce version 0.10.1 of the Python bindings for Poppler. It is available at: md5: 146ecb7e1049dd9b92478d61c148829e PyPoppler 0.10.1 (Aug 13 2009) ================================== o Support for accessing Action fields (Daniel Jacobs) o Bug #397850 AnnotMapping/Annot implementation incomplete (Gian) o Update to work with libtool 2.x (Gian) o Update aclocal.m4 (Gian) o Ignore some more files automatically created by libtool (Gian) Blurb: ====== Poppler[1] is a PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base. PyPoppler is a wrapper which exposes the poppler API to the python world. It is fairly complete, most of the API are covered. The documentation is actually missing, help wanted :) Like the Poppler library itself, PyPoppler is licensed under the GNU GPL. PyPoppler requires: ===================== o Poppler >= 0.10.0 o PyGObject >= 2.10.1 o PyGTK >= 2.10.0 o PyCairo >= 1.8.4 Bug reports should go to [1] cheers -- Gian Mario Tagliaretti GNOME Foundation member gianmt at From lkcl at Thu Aug 13 21:01:41 2009 From: lkcl at (Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton) Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 19:01:41 +0000 Subject: [ANN] pyjamas 0.6pre3 released Message-ID: much as we'd very much like to declare a 0.6 stable release, really really soon and move forward, the ChangeLog just keeps growing (133 and counting) with the bugfixes, testing and contributions since 0.5p1. pyjamas is a port of GWT to python, and includes a python-to-javascript compiler and a widget UI toolkit that is similar to pyqt4, pygtk2 etc. applications can either be run as javascript (in a web browser) or on the desktop (using pyjamas-desktop) as python. conceptually therefore, pyjamas is similar to adobe AIR - except that it's python, not ActionScript, and it's entirely free software. hurrah! key changes: * the python-to-javascript has been significantly reworked, and now includes a --strict option which adds "python strict" features at the expense of speed. to disable these, and obtain speed instead, use "-O" * pyjamas-desktop has been merged into the pyjamas distribution, which includes support for one stable browser engine (XULrunner, the same engine behind firefox); pywebkitgtk (the engine behind safari and the iphone) and MSHTML (IE's engine). pywebkitgtk is useable (but unfriendly - no DOM exception handling); MSHTML is even less friendly - COM gets in the way at present, and eats even python exceptions). there's a lot more that could be said, but you've probably noticed all the other prerelease notices so 'nuff said, other than: thank you to the people who've been helping and contributing with testing, patches and more. downloads and more information: From fredrik.johansson at Thu Aug 13 21:48:18 2009 From: fredrik.johansson at (Fredrik Johansson) Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 21:48:18 +0200 Subject: ANN: mpmath 0.13 released Message-ID: <> Hi all, Version 0.13 of mpmath is now available from the website: It can also be downloaded from the Python Package Index: Mpmath is a pure-Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic that implements an extensive set of mathematical functions. It can be used as a standalone library or via SymPy (, and is also available as a component of Sage ( Version 0.13 implements about 30 new special functions, including Kelvin, Struve, Coulomb, Whittaker, associated Legendre, Meijer G, Appell, incomplete beta, generalized exponential integral, Hurwitz zeta and Clausen functions. The algorithms for hypergeometric-type functions have been greatly improved to robustly handle arbitrarily large arguments and limit cases of the parameters. Other new features and bug fixes are included as well. For a more comprehensive changelog, see: For development tidbits and demonstrations of the new features, see the blog: Extensive documentation is available at: Bug reports and other comments are welcome on the issue tracker at or the mpmath mailing list: My work on mpmath 0.13 was made with the goal to bring arbitrary-precision evaluation of special functions in Sage up to par with Mathematica and Maple, and was kindly sponsored by the American Institute of Mathematics under the support of National Science Foundation Grant No. 0757627. Special thanks to Sage's lead developer William Stein for offering his grant resources to support this project, and for providing much encouragement. The new version of mpmath will soon be available in Sage. Enjoy, Fredrik Johansson From benjamin at Thu Aug 13 23:12:50 2009 From: benjamin at (Benjamin Peterson) Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 16:12:50 -0500 Subject: [RELEASED] Python 3.1.1 Release Candidate Message-ID: <> On behalf of the Python development team, I'm pleased to announce the first release candidate of Python 3.1.1. This bug fix release fixes many normal bugs and several critical ones including potential data corruption in the io library. The final version should be out within the next week. Python 3.1 focuses on the stabilization and optimization of the features and changes that Python 3.0 introduced. For example, the new I/O system has been rewritten in C for speed. File system APIs that use unicode strings now handle paths with undecodable bytes in them. Other features include an ordered dictionary implementation, a condensed syntax for nested with statements, and support for ttk Tile in Tkinter. For a more extensive list of changes in 3.1, see or Misc/NEWS in the Python distribution. To download Python 3.1.1 visit: The 3.1 documentation can be found at: Bugs can always be reported to: Enjoy! -- Benjamin Peterson Release Manager benjamin at (on behalf of the entire python-dev team and 3.1.1's contributors) From aahz at Fri Aug 14 21:47:54 2009 From: aahz at (Aahz) Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 12:47:54 -0700 Subject: PyCon 2010: Call for Proposals Message-ID: <> Call for proposals -- PyCon 2010 -- =============================================================== Due date: October 1st, 2009 Want to showcase your skills as a Python Hacker? Want to have hundreds of people see your talk on the subject of your choice? Have some hot button issue you think the community needs to address, or have some package, code or project you simply love talking about? Want to launch your master plan to take over the world with python? PyCon is your platform for getting the word out and teaching something new to hundreds of people, face to face. Previous PyCon conferences have had a broad range of presentations, from reports on academic and commercial projects, tutorials on a broad range of subjects and case studies. All conference speakers are volunteers and come from a myriad of backgrounds. Some are new speakers, some are old speakers. Everyone is welcome so bring your passion and your code! We're looking to you to help us top the previous years of success PyCon has had. PyCon 2010 is looking for proposals to fill the formal presentation tracks. The PyCon conference days will be February 19-22, 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia, preceded by the tutorial days (February 17-18), and followed by four days of development sprints (February 22-25). Online proposal submission is open now! Proposals will be accepted through October 1st, with acceptance notifications coming out on November 15th. For the detailed call for proposals, please see: For videos of talks from previous years - check out: We look forward to seeing you in Atlanta! -- Aahz (aahz at <*> "I saw `cout' being shifted "Hello world" times to the left and stopped right there." --Steve Gonedes From python-url at Sat Aug 15 19:23:37 2009 From: python-url at (Gabriel Genellina) Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 17:23:37 +0000 (UTC) Subject: Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Aug 15) Message-ID: QOTW: "They questioned my competence and that made her very sad." - Roger Wallis,expert witness for Pirate Bay, on his wife unicode(s) is, surprisingly, MUCH faster (for certain encodings) than s.decode(): It is not possible to overload a compound "< <" operator (as in: a < x < b): Automatic join of "consecutive" " string " "literals": bug or feature? Also, unrecognized escape sequences in string literals stay in the string: bug or feature? Restricting dictionary keys to those objects explicitely defining __eq__ / __hash__ may be useful in certain cases: How to find out in which module an instance was created? Monkey-patching an instance to make it callable (without altering other instances of the same class): reload() and the 'from ... import ...' form of the import statement: Several recipes to extract unique elements from a list: All those __double_underscored__ names are confusing - why do they exist? ======================================================================== Everything Python-related you want is probably one or two clicks away in these pages:'s Python Language Website is the traditional center of Pythonia Notice especially the master FAQ PythonWare complements the digest you're reading with the marvelous daily python url Just beginning with Python? This page is a great place to start: The Python Papers aims to publish "the efforts of Python enthusiasts": The Python Magazine is a technical monthly devoted to Python: Readers have recommended the "Planet" sites: comp.lang.python.announce announces new Python software. Be sure to scan this newsgroup weekly. Python411 indexes "podcasts ... to help people learn Python ..." Updates appear more-than-weekly: The Python Package Index catalogues packages. Much of Python's real work takes place on Special-Interest Group mailing lists Python Success Stories--from air-traffic control to on-line match-making--can inspire you or decision-makers to whom you're subject with a vision of what the language makes practical. The Python Software Foundation (PSF) has replaced the Python Consortium as an independent nexus of activity. It has official responsibility for Python's development and maintenance. Among the ways you can support PSF is with a donation. The Summary of Python Tracker Issues is an automatically generated report summarizing new bugs, closed ones, and patch submissions. Although unmaintained since 2002, the Cetus collection of Python hyperlinks retains a few gems. Python FAQTS The Cookbook is a collaborative effort to capture useful and interesting recipes. Many Python conferences around the world are in preparation. Watch this space for links to them. Among several Python-oriented RSS/RDF feeds available, see: For more, see: The old Python "To-Do List" now lives principally in a SourceForge reincarnation. presents an intriguing approach to reference commentary. It already aggregates quite a bit of Python intelligence. Enjoy the *Python Magazine*. *Py: the Journal of the Python Language* Dr.Dobb's Portal is another source of Python news and articles: and Python articles regularly appear at IBM DeveloperWorks: Previous - (U)se the (R)esource, (L)uke! - messages are listed here:!+group%3Acomp.lang.python&start=0&scoring=d& There is *not* an RSS for "Python-URL!"--at least not yet. Arguments for and against are occasionally entertained. Suggestions/corrections for next week's posting are always welcome. E-mail to should get through. To receive a new issue of this posting in e-mail each Monday morning (approximately), ask to subscribe. Mention "Python-URL!". Write to the same address to unsubscribe. -- The Python-URL! Team-- Phaseit, Inc. ( is pleased to participate in and sponsor the "Python-URL!" project. Watch this space for upcoming news about posting archives. From python at Sun Aug 16 10:29:19 2009 From: python at (Radomir Dopieralski) Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 10:29:19 +0200 Subject: [ANN] Hatta 1.3.3 wiki engine released Message-ID: <> I'm proud to announce release 1.3.3 of Hatta wiki engine. What is Hatta? -------------- Hatta is a small wiki engine designed to run locally or via WSGI inside a directory in a Mercurial repository. All the pages are normal text or binary (for images and such) files, also editable from outside of the wiki -- the page history is taken from the repository. Who is it for? -------------- It's mostly for small development teams to use for documentation of the project right in the repository. It's mostly a plain, traditional wiki, without fancy features to distract from doing real work. Features -------- * single python script file * no installation necessary, just run it in your repository * can also run on the server as WSGI application * fast indexed search and backlinks * lives inside a repository, so can be cloned, merged, etc. * customizable by creating wiki pages with styles, logo, menu, etc. This version ------------ * Search results based on word rank * Rendering CSV file support (thanks to Cezary Krzy?anowski) * Mac bundle (thanks to Cezary Krzy?anowski) * Configurable smileys Enjoy! -- Radomir Dopieralski, From benjamin at Mon Aug 17 04:55:14 2009 From: benjamin at (Benjamin Peterson) Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 21:55:14 -0500 Subject: [RELEASED] Python 3.1.1 Message-ID: <> On behalf of the Python development team, I'm happy to announce the first bugfix release of the Python 3.1 series, Python 3.1.1. This bug fix release fixes many normal bugs and several critical ones including potential data corruption in the io library. Python 3.1 focuses on the stabilization and optimization of the features and changes that Python 3.0 introduced. For example, the new I/O system has been rewritten in C for speed. File system APIs that use unicode strings now handle paths with undecodable bytes in them. Other features include an ordered dictionary implementation, a condensed syntax for nested with statements, and support for ttk Tile in Tkinter. For a more extensive list of changes in 3.1, see or Misc/NEWS in the Python distribution. Please note the Windows and Mac binaries are not available yet but will be in the coming days. To download Python 3.1.1 visit: The 3.1 documentation can be found at: Bugs can always be reported to: Enjoy! -- Benjamin Peterson Release Manager benjamin at (on behalf of the entire python-dev team and 3.1.1's contributors) From karl at Mon Aug 17 19:21:24 2009 From: karl at (Karl Ulbrich) Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 12:21:24 -0500 Subject: BioPython: Houston Python Meetup, Tue 8/18 Message-ID: <> Our monthly Houston Python Meetup ("PyHou") will be on Tuesday August 18th starting at 7:00 PM. This month's topic BioPython -- tools for Bioinformatics processing with Python -- presented by Ryan Hill. For full details and to RSVP, please see our Meetup site: Thanks, Karl From gianmt at Tue Aug 18 00:00:53 2009 From: gianmt at (Gian Mario Tagliaretti) Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 00:00:53 +0200 Subject: [ANNOUNCE] PyGtkSourceView 2.7.0 - unstable Message-ID: <> I am pleased to announce version 2.7.0 of the Gtksourceview Python bindings. Once the mirrors have sync correctly it will be available at: The bindings are updated with the new Gtksourceview API News in 2.7.0 ============= o Add new 2.8.0 gtksourceview API. (Gian Mario) o Some misc bug fix (Gian Mario) o Fix build with libtool 2.x. (Gian Mario) o Autogenerate Changelog from git logs (Gian Mario) Blurb: ====== gtksourceview is a library that provides a widget for source code display and editing, derived from Gtk's TextView, and used by gedit and nemiver, among others. gtksourceview has recently been released 2.7.3 PyGtksourceview requires: ========================= o Gtksourceview >= 2.3.0 o PyGObject >= 2.15.2 o PyGTK >= 2.8.0 Bug reports should go to: cheers -- Gian Mario Tagliaretti GNOME Foundation member gianmt at From ahz001 at Tue Aug 18 04:32:45 2009 From: ahz001 at (Andrew Ziem) Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 20:32:45 -0600 Subject: [ANN] BleachBit 0.6.1 Message-ID: BleachBit deletes junk to free disk space and cleans trace files to maintain privacy. Notable changes for 0.6.1: * Wipe free disk space to hide previously-deleted files * Clears Nautilus usage history * Vacuums gPodder and clears its cache * Vacuums Yum * Cleans inactive Yum repositories * Fix several bugs * Adds translations for Croatian, Korean, Ukranian, and Thai * Updates 18 other translations Detailed release notes Download for Linux, Windows, and source code From chris at Tue Aug 18 19:39:10 2009 From: chris at (Chris Withers) Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 18:39:10 +0100 Subject: xlutils 1.4.0 released! Message-ID: <> Hi All, I'm pleased to announce a new release of xlutils. This is a small collection of utilities that make use of both xlrd and xlwt to process Microsoft Excel files. The changes for this release are as follows: - Add sheet density information and onesheet option to xlutils.margins. - Reduced the memory footprint of xlutils.filter.ColumnTrimmer at the expense of speed. - Fixed incorrect warnings about boolean cells in xlutils.filter.ErrorFilter. xlwt has always supported boolean cells. - xlutils.filter.BaseReader now opens workbooks with on_demand = True - Added support for xlrd Books opened with on_demand as True passed to open_workbook. - Fixed bug when copying error cells. - Requires the latest versions of xlrd (0.7.1) and xlwt (0.7.2). To find out more, please read here: In case you're not aware, xlrd and xlwt are two excellent pure-python libraries for reading and writing Excel files. They run on any platform and, likely, any implementation of Python without the need for horrific things like binding to Excel via COM and so needing a Windows machine. If you use any of xlrd, xlwt or xlutils, the following google group will be of use: Hope some of this is of interest, I'd love to hear from anyone who ends up using it! cheers, Chris -- Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting - From lkcl at Tue Aug 18 23:05:54 2009 From: lkcl at (Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton) Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 21:05:54 +0000 Subject: [ANN] Pyjamas 0.6 Web Widget Set and python-to-javascript Compiler released Message-ID: Pyjamas 0.6 is finally out: many thanks to everyone who has contributed. Special thanks to Kees Bos; Bernd, Bernd and Jurgen from; the people who showed an interest in Pyjamas at EuroPython 2009; and especially to everyone who has helped during the pre-releases, with testing and bugreports over the past few weeks. For a full list of contributors, see CREDITS. Downloads: --------- Pyjamas ------- Pyjamas is a port of Google Web Toolkit to Python, and thus enables the development of Rich Media AJAX applications in Python, with no need for special browser plugins. Pyjamas contains a stand-alone python-to-javascript compiler, and also a Widget Set API that looks very similar to Desktop Widget Set APIs (such as PyQT4 or PyGTK2). For more information, see: Known bugs: #227, #228, #229, #230 and #232 Pyjamas-Desktop --------------- Pyjamas runs your application in a Web Browser (as javascript); Pyjamas-Desktop runs exactly the same python application on the Desktop (as python) Release 0.6 of Pyjamas also incorporates Pyjamas-Desktop directly into the Pyjamas Distribution. To use Pyjamas-Desktop there are three choices, with more planned [MacOSX PyObjC; KDE's PyKHTML]. 1) - XULRunner install hulahop and python-xpcom. hulahop is distributed with both Debian and Ubuntu; python-xpcom is part of XULRunner and is also distributed with both Debian and Ubuntu. Other users should investigate the installation instructions for python-xpcom and hulahop for the operating system of their choice on the appropriate web sites. GNU/Linux, FreeBSD and other POSIX systems are strongly advised to use XULRunner for Pyjamas-Desktop: it is the most stable of the PyJD ports. 2) - PyWebKitGtk you will need a patched version of pywebkitgtk: you will need a patched version of webkit: Detailed build instructions are available here: 3) - MSHTML (experimental!) For Windows users, all that's required, other than installing python and Internet Explorer, is one further package: Win32 "comtypes". Win32 "comtypes" can be downloaded here: * The MSHTML version primarily works. Reports using IE8's MSHTML engine would be appreciated. Known bugs: the use of Tab to cycle through Keyboard Focus elements is ineffective; onkeyup and onkeydown events are unresponsive, but oddly onkeypress event handling works. From info at Thu Aug 20 21:22:46 2009 From: info at (Wingware) Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 15:22:46 -0400 Subject: Wing IDE 3.2 released Message-ID: <> Hi, Wingware has released version 3.2.0 final of Wing IDE, our integrated development environment for the Python programming language. *Release Highlights* This release includes the following new features: * Support for Python 3.0 and 3.1 * Rewritten version control integration with support for Subversion, CVS, Bazaar, git, Mercurial, and Perforce (*) * Added 64-bit Debian, RPM, and tar file installers for Linux * File management in Project view (**) * Auto-completion in the editor obtains completion data from live runtime when the debugger is active (**) * Perspectives: Create and save named GUI layouts and optionally automatically transition when debugging is started (*) * Improved support for Cython and Pyrex (*.pyx files) * Added key binding documentation to the manual * Added Restart Debugging item in Debug menu and tool bar (**) (*)'d items are available in Wing IDE Professional only. (**)'d items are available in Wing IDE Personal and Professional only. The release also contains many other minor features and bug fixes; see the change log for details: *Downloads* Wing IDE Professional and Wing IDE Personal are commercial software and require a license to run. A free trial license can be obtained directly from the product when launched. Wing IDE 101 can be used free of charge. Wing IDE Pro 3.2.0 Wing IDE Personal 3.2.0 Wing IDE 101 3.2.0 *About Wing IDE* Wing IDE is an integrated development environment for the Python programming language. It provides powerful debugging, editing, code intelligence, testing, version control, and search capabilities that reduce development and debugging time, cut down on coding errors, and make it easier to understand and navigate Python code. Wing IDE is available in three product levels: Wing IDE Professional is the full-featured Python IDE, Wing IDE Personal offers a reduced feature set at a low price, and Wing IDE 101 is a free simplified version designed for teaching entry level programming courses with Python. System requirements are Windows 2000 or later, OS X 10.3.9 or later for PPC or Intel (requires X11 Server), or a recent Linux system (either 32 or 64 bit). Wing IDE 3.2 supports Python versions 2.0.x through 3.1.x. *Purchasing and Upgrading* Wing 3.2 is a free upgrade for all Wing IDE 3.0 and 3.1 users. Any 2.x license sold after May 2nd 2006 is free to upgrade; others cost 1/2 the normal price to upgrade. Upgrade a 2.x license: Purchase a 3.x license: -- The Wingware Team Wingware | Python IDE Advancing Software Development From gagsl-py2 at Fri Aug 21 08:39:21 2009 From: gagsl-py2 at (Gabriel Genellina) Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 03:39:21 -0300 Subject: PyCon Argentina 2009 Message-ID: PyCon Argentina 2009 - Buenos Aires - September 4-5th. The first national Python conference in Argentina "PyCon Argentina 2009", also the first PyCon at a Spanish-speaking country, will be held on Buenos Aires next month. There are more than 30 programmed talks covering many different subjects, short lightning talks, and two special speakers: Collin Winter (Unladen Swallow) and Jacob Kaplan-Moss (Django). Attendance is free of charge but advance registration is required. For more information, see Original press release, in Spanish (official PyCon Argentina language): Durante los d?as 4 y 5 de Septiembre de 2009 tendr? lugar en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires el primer evento a nivel nacional dedicado al lenguaje de programaci?n Python, PyCon Argentina 2009. La conferencia PyCon se viene realizando en otros pa?ses del mundo (Estados Unidos desde 2003, Inglaterra, Brasil, Italia, etc.), siendo ?sta la primera vez que se realiza en un pa?s de habla hispana. Contar? con la presencia de Jacob Kaplan-Moss y Collin Winter, entre otras personalidades del mundo Python. La tem?tica de las charlas es variada, pensando tanto en programadores novatos que apenas conocen Python (o nunca tuvieron contacto con el lenguaje hasta ahora), como en desarrolladores avanzados que buscan lo ?ltimo de esta tecnolog?a. Es de inter?s tambi?n para bloggers, autores y dise?adores web; gerentes, administradores y emprendedores; cient?ficos, ingenieros, curiosos y todo aquel que tenga ganas de acercarse a la comunidad Python en Argentina, PyAr. El evento ser? en la sede de la Universidad de Belgrano, Zabala 1837. La organizaci?n corre por cuenta de voluntarios de la comunidad local de usuarios. La asistencia a la conferencia es gratuita pero se requiere inscripci?n previa. Para m?s informaci?n, visitar Acerca de Python Python es un lenguaje de programaci?n din?mico y orientado a objetos que puede ser usado para desarrollar aplicaciones de m?ltiples tipos. Permite integrar f?cilmente otros lenguajes y herramientas, incluye una amplia biblioteca de funciones y es sencillo de aprender. Muchos programadores Python reconocen un sustancial aumento en su productividad y sienten que el lenguaje mismo los incentiva al desarrollo de c?digo de mayor calidad y m?s f?cil de mantener. Est? disponible en m?ltiples plataformas, desde una PC con Windows o Linux hasta tel?fonos celulares, y muchos sitios de Internet utilizan Python como soporte de sus servicios. Para m?s informaci?n, visitar Acerca de PyAr PyAr es la comunidad local de usuarios de Python que nuclea a todos los interesados en este lenguaje en la Argentina. Pretende llegar a usuarios y empresas, promover el uso del lenguaje, intercambiar informaci?n, compartir experiencias y, en general, ser el marco de referencia local en el uso y difusi?n de esta tecnolog?a. Para m?s informaci?n, visitar -- Gabriel Genellina From fabio at Fri Aug 21 15:36:34 2009 From: fabio at (Fabio Zadrozny) Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 10:36:34 -0300 Subject: Pydev 1.4.8 Released Message-ID: Hi All, Pydev and Pydev Extensions 1.4.8 have been released Details on Pydev Extensions: Details on Pydev: Details on its development: Release Highlights in Pydev Extensions: ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Created public API for starting/finishing debug server * Import based on unresolved variables works correctly when the document is changed * Ignore error works correctly when the document is changed * No longer showing the replace button for the search Release Highlights in Pydev: ---------------------------------------------- * Debugger can jump to line * Reloading module when code changes in the editor if inside debug session * Usability improvement on the preferences pages (editor, code-formatter, comment block and code-style showing examples) * Pythonpath reported in the main tab was not correct for ironpython launch configs * Main module tab in launch configuration was not appearing for jython * Multiline block comments considering the current indentation (and working with tabs) * Hover works correctly when the document is changed * The interactive console no longer uses the UI thread (so, it doesn't make eclipse halt anymore on slow requests to the shell) * The interactive console save history now saves the contents in the same way they're written * When creating a python run, the classpath was being set (and overridden), which should only happen in jython runs * Fixed issue where a line with only tabs and a close parenthesis would have additional tabs entered on code-formatting * A Pydev (Jython) project can coexist with a JDT project (and properly use its info -- only project references worked previously) * Many small usability improvements (editors improved) * Verbosity option added to run as unit-test * No longer using respectJavaAccessibility=False for jython * When there are too many items to show in the debugger, handle it gracefully What is PyDev? --------------------------- PyDev is a plugin that enables users to use Eclipse for Python, Jython and Iron Python development -- making Eclipse a first class Python IDE -- It comes with many goodies such as code completion, syntax highlighting, syntax analysis, refactor, debug and many others. Cheers, -- Fabio Zadrozny ------------------------------------------------------ Software Developer Aptana Pydev Extensions Pydev - Python Development Environment for Eclipse From stevel at Fri Aug 21 21:14:26 2009 From: stevel at (Steve Lang) Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 13:14:26 -0600 Subject: [ANN] PyIMSL Studio 1.5 released Message-ID: <> Visual Numerics, a Rogue Wave Software Company, is pleased to announce the release of PyIMSL Studio V1.5. PyIMSL Studio contains both open source and proprietary components that create a fully supported and documented platform for analytic prototyping and production development. - For prototyping, a number of open source tools including Python, NumPy, Eclipse, matplotlib and commercial components from Visual Numerics, Inc. are available for Python, including PyIMSL Python wrappers to the mathematics and statistics algorithms in the IMSL C Library. This combination of tools provides a rich environment for prototype development. - For production deployment, PyIMSL Studio includes the IMSL C Library. Other I/O and data filtering components are available in both Python and C to further support deployment. Using the IMSL C Library provides parity between prototype and production code. This new release offers: - Support for IMSL C Library V7.0 which provides access to: - Numerous parallelized algorithms - New function that solves the generalized Feynman-Kac PDE and Black-Scholes problems - New data mining functions including a Genetic Algorithm for optimization and Na?ve Bayes for classification problems and text mining - Many other new functions, including Kochanek-Bartels Cubic Splines, Non-central chi-square, and Non-central student's T PDFs - A more seamless installation process so you can get started with PyIMSL Studio faster and easier Learn more about PyIMSL Studio and request a free evaluation at From python-url at Sun Aug 23 17:54:41 2009 From: python-url at (Gabriel Genellina) Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 15:54:41 +0000 (UTC) Subject: Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Aug 23) Message-ID: QOTW: "... [O]nce you accept that text is best handled in Unicode, there's little sense in making an exception for the limited subset that happens to be representable in ASCII." - Ben Finney Python 3.1.1 released: Parallelization in Python 2.6: 012=3D=3D10, a relic from ancient times, is finally gone: How to ensure a method is actually implemented in a derived class: Is this community sexist? (Also, etymology of the word "guy" < "Guy" ~ "Guido") A "for" loop using range() is inefficient, but other Python variants are able to optimize it: The scope of names inside a "class" statement: Counting how many times items from a set appear on a given list: Construct a dictionary from a list [key,value,key,value,...] (many recipes!): And more recipes: format a number with thousand separators: Code style: how to write a long conditional expression: On the concept of "functor" and how it may be applied to Python: ======================================================================== Everything Python-related you want is probably one or two clicks away in these pages:'s Python Language Website is the traditional center of Pythonia Notice especially the master FAQ PythonWare complements the digest you're reading with the marvelous daily python url Just beginning with Python? This page is a great place to start: The Python Papers aims to publish "the efforts of Python enthusiasts": The Python Magazine is a technical monthly devoted to Python: Readers have recommended the "Planet" sites: comp.lang.python.announce announces new Python software. Be sure to scan this newsgroup weekly. Python411 indexes "podcasts ... to help people learn Python ..." Updates appear more-than-weekly: The Python Package Index catalogues packages. Much of Python's real work takes place on Special-Interest Group mailing lists Python Success Stories--from air-traffic control to on-line match-making--can inspire you or decision-makers to whom you're subject with a vision of what the language makes practical. The Python Software Foundation (PSF) has replaced the Python Consortium as an independent nexus of activity. It has official responsibility for Python's development and maintenance. Among the ways you can support PSF is with a donation. The Summary of Python Tracker Issues is an automatically generated report summarizing new bugs, closed ones, and patch submissions. Although unmaintained since 2002, the Cetus collection of Python hyperlinks retains a few gems. Python FAQTS The Cookbook is a collaborative effort to capture useful and interesting recipes. Many Python conferences around the world are in preparation. Watch this space for links to them. Among several Python-oriented RSS/RDF feeds available, see: For more, see: The old Python "To-Do List" now lives principally in a SourceForge reincarnation. presents an intriguing approach to reference commentary. It already aggregates quite a bit of Python intelligence. Enjoy the *Python Magazine*. *Py: the Journal of the Python Language* Dr.Dobb's Portal is another source of Python news and articles: and Python articles regularly appear at IBM DeveloperWorks: Previous - (U)se the (R)esource, (L)uke! - messages are listed here:!+group%3Acomp.lang.python&start=0&scoring=d& There is *not* an RSS for "Python-URL!"--at least not yet. Arguments for and against are occasionally entertained. Suggestions/corrections for next week's posting are always welcome. E-mail to should get through. To receive a new issue of this posting in e-mail each Monday morning (approximately), ask to subscribe. Mention "Python-URL!". Write to the same address to unsubscribe. -- The Python-URL! Team-- Phaseit, Inc. ( is pleased to participate in and sponsor the "Python-URL!" project. Watch this space for upcoming news about posting archives. From dmw at Sun Aug 23 18:34:17 2009 From: dmw at (Daniel Molina Wegener) Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 12:34:17 -0400 Subject: [ANN] pyxser-1.2r --- Python-Object to XML serialization module Message-ID: <> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Hello, I'm pleased to announce pyxser-1.2r, a Python-Object to XML serializer and deserializer. This module package it's completely written in C and licensed under LGPLv3. The tested Python versions are 2.5.X and 2.7.X. * home page: ? * hosted at: ? * pypi entry: The current ChangeLog is as follows: - -----8<----------8<----------8<----------8<----- 1.2r (2009.08.23): Daniel Molina Wegener * Added encoded serialization of Unicode strings by using the user defined encoding as is passed to the serialization functions as enc parameter * Refactored some functions to allow more ordered code. - -----8<----------8<----------8<----------8<----- As you see, now Unicode strings are serialized as encoded byte string by using the encoding that the user pass as enc parameter to the serialization function. This means that Unicode strings are serialized in a human readable form, regarding a better interoperability with other platforms. Best regards... - -- .O. | Daniel Molina Wegener | FreeBSD & Linux ..O | dmw [at] coder [dot] cl | Open Standards OOO | | FOSS Developer -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (FreeBSD) iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJKkW+JAAoJEHxqfq6Y4O5N6tYP/j6ZDRCroq+hQGiu95LhCDBI Vz8eNFTDWNbpEhLAe0elh0YSHFLjdPFHcqrYS6UOHIYJ1HK/XP+Eu7jyczGHG535 PIICtgmac3XAJYrvelW0FbZHLTI8y9uZWgJFfbt7ijnqMaVw3+WfZUnr3A5OzKIQ Uj3l5Q20SFNNjCr0MXCrjQNbEFNhuGX7gcKBiPDmt9JrXV11NImJ6+TvE12wsvY+ 9VvRRs/psQNx8lERNRDmUetUYLY8ISRSr0FU5L+keaCJBSokmz+Cr4MSOHALM5CV 9OItjEuJoZCGw/ojDUz1V4lemIHjf5pJHtlDV8BDxC/E+WAErFqehaRDjwU9JUt4 kzqafjIjVhKonPjk1GXNX/5Rsd4OMafSYACNlZPNOLyUvBZ7l+MXzCGL9yhnWq2I yAv06tAJ+uNxA/zn3Qeqm9ADlCX3ZvSxhbVsuWWv/H3GKMkjVPCJ7his1KCV4ctN 33BN0ApigMwfP7jxjJ6ua1tql4bn4vUiPLvKYNWOedmT1hwTWSIMxPQBfsZOPuCo 09auJr3PLg8qLKmuZtO3gqQ4++ViY1L0cdi2EQnlSwDtFCRDnc5epFgzc4A5qlac dT5JNXxh9W5nXv8kHLmNey9iWPLkDRO7MdKOK88C6q/rT7k2nIBOLwNn27gnoa01 DTW45uIN5zAUpSmDsOha =Lc7e -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- From gianmt at Sun Aug 23 20:14:27 2009 From: gianmt at (Gian Mario Tagliaretti) Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 20:14:27 +0200 Subject: [ANNOUNCE] PyGTK 2.16.0 - stable Message-ID: <> A new stable release of the Python bindings for GTK+ has been released. The new release is available from and its mirrors as soon as its synced correctly: Blurb: GTK+ is a toolkit for developing graphical applications that run on systems such as Linux, Windows and MacOS X. It provides a comprehensive set of GUI widgets, can display Unicode bidi text. It links into the Gnome Accessibility Framework through the ATK library. PyGTK provides a convenient wrapper for the GTK+ library for use in Python programs, and takes care of many of the boring details such as managing memory and type casting. When combined with PyORBit and gnome-python, it can be used to write full featured Gnome applications. Like the GTK+ library itself PyGTK is licensed under the GNU LGPL, so is suitable for use in both free software and proprietary applications. It is already in use in many applications ranging from small single purpose scripts up to large full features applications. What's new since 2.15.2? - Allow to use automake 1.11 (Paolo Borelli) - Remove compiler warnings (Gian) - Add gtk.gdk.CURRENT_TIME constant (Paul) - Fix gtk.IMContext().set_client_window() (Gian) - Some docs fix (John Finlay) - Fixed invocation of FileChooserDialog in print demo (Pietro Battiston) - Some autotools tweaks (Gian) - Fix arg parsing format typo for gtk_toggle_button_new (John Finlay) - Update some docs to the new 2.16 API (Gian) PyGTK requires GTK+ >= 2.8.0 and Python >= 2.3.5 to build. Bug reports, as always, should go to Bugzilla; check out and for links to posting and querying bug reports for PyGTK. cheers -- Gian Mario Tagliaretti GNOME Foundation member gianmt at From linjiao at Mon Aug 24 22:13:44 2009 From: linjiao at (Jiao Lin) Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 13:13:44 -0700 Subject: luban: a generic (web/native) user interface builder. version: 0.2a1 Message-ID: The luban package ( is a python-based, cross- platform user interface builder. It provides UI developers a generic language to describe the user interface, and then render that description as web or native interfaces. An example of luban application is Jazzclub( main.cgi). Another is Gong Shu Zi( ). The documentation for luban is here: To install, please follow instructions here: More links: * Tutorials: * API: -- Jiao Lin linjiao at From r1chardj0n3s at Tue Aug 25 05:20:19 2009 From: r1chardj0n3s at (Richard Jones) Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 13:20:19 +1000 Subject: Next week: the 9th PyWeek game programming challenge! Message-ID: The ninth PyWeek challenge starts this weekend, running between Sunday 30th August to Sunday 6th September (00:00UTC to 00:00UTC) The PyWeek challenge invites entrants to write a game in one week from scratch either as an individual or in a team. Entries must be developed in Python, during the challenge, and must incorporate some theme chosen at the start of the challenge. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN -- Visit the challenge website to sign up, join discussions in the message board or read the timetable and rules: PLANNING FOR THE CHALLENGE -- Make sure you have working versions of the libraries you're going to use. The rules page has a list of libraries and other resources. Make sure you can build packages to submit as your final submission (if you're going to use py2exe, make sure you know how to use it and that it works). If you don't have access to Linux, Windows or a Mac to test on, contact friends, family or other competitors to find someone who is able to test for you. From gslindstrom at Tue Aug 25 13:28:40 2009 From: gslindstrom at (Greg Lindstrom) Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 06:28:40 -0500 Subject: PyCon 2010 - Call for Tutorials Message-ID: The period to submit proposals for PyCon 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) is now open and will close on October 18. Tutorials are 3-hour long classes on a specific Python technique, package or technology and are taught by members of the Python community. If you have knowledge in a particular topic and would like to be considered to teach a class we invite you to submit a proposal outlining the material you would like to cover. Once we receive your proposal, we will "score" it based on content and then select 24 classes (subject to change) for presentation. Class instructors will be paid $1000.00 per class. If a class has more than one teacher, the fee will be split between them. Interested? Click on over to the Tutorial Proposal Pageto see more details, examples of classes that have been requested in the past (though you are free to submit a proposal on anything Python), an example proposal and an empty template to help you prepare your own proposal. Once complete, email your proposal to pycon-tutorials at python.orgso we can get it out to the evaluation committee and get you on your way to being a PyCon Questions? You can contact us at the PyCon Email Listand we will get back with you. We look forward to hearing from you! Greg Lindstrom Tutorial Coordinator PyCon 2010 (Atlanta) From mbaas at Tue Aug 25 23:51:40 2009 From: mbaas at (mbaas) Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 14:51:40 -0700 (PDT) Subject: ANN: Python cgkit v2.0.0alpha9 Message-ID: <> A new version (2.0.0alpha9) of the Python Computer Graphics Kit is available at What is it? ----------- The Python Computer Graphics Kit is a collection of utilities and Python modules that simplify working with 3D data of any kind. The provided functionality can be used in domains such as scientific visualization, Virtual Reality, VFX, animation or even games. Currently, the package is implemented in Python and C++ where the C++ part is wrapped and made available in Python. What's new? ----------- - New module "pointcloud" to read/write RenderMan point cloud files - New module "sloargs" to parse compiled RenderMan shaders - New module "sequence" to handle numbered (file) sequences. - New command line utilities seqls, seqmv, seqcp, seqrm that are the equivalent of ls, mv, cp, rm but that work on numbered file sequences. - Various bugfixes and enhancements, see the changelog for a full list: Windows binaries are available for Python 2.5 and 2.6. An OSX binary is available for Python 2.5 (built on OSX 10.4). For more information, visit: - Matthias - From stevech1097 at Wed Aug 26 13:36:33 2009 From: stevech1097 at (Steve) Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 19:36:33 +0800 Subject: ANN: pycairo release 1.8.8 now available Message-ID: <1251286593.22791.5.camel@localhost> Pycairo is a set of Python bindings for the multi-platform 2D graphics library cairo. A new pycairo release 1.8.8 is now available from: 054da6c125cb427a003f5fd6c54f853e pycairo-1.8.8.tar.gz Overview of changes from pycairo 1.8.6 to pycairo 1.8.8 ======================================================= General Changes: Pycairo 1.8.8 requires cairo 1.8.8 (or later). Move from CVS to git. Add support for the waf build tool. Updated methods The PDF/PS/SVGSurface constructors now accept None as a filename. From holger at Wed Aug 26 21:40:23 2009 From: holger at (holger krekel) Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 21:40:23 +0200 Subject: vadm 0.6.0 / non-intrusive versioning of files and properties Message-ID: <> Hi all, i just uploaded vadm-0.6.0 to PyPI: a svn-like command line tool for non-intrusively versioning posix files and ownership information. Visit for install, getting-started, issue tracker, etc. have fun, holger From sridharr at Wed Aug 26 21:35:00 2009 From: sridharr at (Sridhar Ratnakumar) Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 12:35:00 -0700 Subject: ANN: ActivePython is now available Message-ID: I'm happy to announce that ActivePython is now available for download from: This is a patch release that updates ActivePython to core Python 3.1.1 We recommend that you try 2.6 version first. See the release notes for full details: What is ActivePython? --------------------- ActivePython is ActiveState's binary distribution of Python. Builds for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, HP-UX and AIX are made freely available. ActivePython includes the Python core and the many core extensions: zlib and bzip2 for data compression, the Berkeley DB (bsddb) and SQLite (sqlite3) database libraries, OpenSSL bindings for HTTPS support, the Tix GUI widgets for Tkinter, ElementTree for XML processing, ctypes (on supported platforms) for low-level library access, and others. The Windows distribution ships with PyWin32 -- a suite of Windows tools developed by Mark Hammond, including bindings to the Win32 API and Windows COM. See this page for full details: As well, ActivePython ships with a wealth of documentation for both new and experienced Python programmers. In addition to the core Python docs, ActivePython includes the "What's New in Python" series, "Dive into Python", the Python FAQs & HOWTOs, and the Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs). An online version of the docs can be found here: We would welcome any and all feedback to: ActivePython-feedback at Please file bugs against ActivePython at: On what platforms does ActivePython run? ---------------------------------------- ActivePython includes installers for the following platforms: - Windows/x86 - Windows/x64 (aka "AMD64") - Mac OS X - Linux/x86 - Linux/x86_64 (aka "AMD64") - Solaris/SPARC - Solaris/x86 - HP-UX/PA-RISC - AIX/PowerPC - AIX/PowerPC64 Extra Bits ---------- ActivePython releases also include the following: - ActivePythonXY.chm: An MS compiled help collection of the full ActivePython documentation set. Linux users of applications such as xCHM might find this useful. This package is installed by default on Windows. Extra bits are available from: Thanks, and enjoy! The Python Team -- Sridhar Ratnakumar sridharr at From MDiPierro at Thu Aug 27 00:18:59 2009 From: MDiPierro at (Massimo Di Pierro) Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 17:18:59 -0500 Subject: web2py 1.66.2 is OUT. New web2py book (2nd Ed.) is out too. Message-ID: <> The new web2py book is available on Lots of new stuff with100 more pages (341 pages in total). Covers Auth, Crud, Services, interaction with Pyjamas, PyAMF, and better deployment recipes. Massimo From holger at Thu Aug 27 15:12:39 2009 From: holger at (holger krekel) Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 15:12:39 +0200 Subject: pylib/py.test 1.0.2 released Message-ID: <> Hi all, i just pushed a pylib/py.test 1.0.2 maintenance release, fixing several issues triggered by fedora packaging. Also added a link to the new pytest_django plugin, a changelog and some other improvements. checkout and as always do "easy_install -U py" which should also work with Tarek Ziade's Distribute, the setuptools-substitute. best, holger -- Metaprogramming, Python, Testing: Python, PyPy, pytest contracting: From sylvain.thenault at Thu Aug 27 18:10:38 2009 From: sylvain.thenault at (Sylvain =?utf-8?B?VGjDqW5hdWx0?=) Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 18:10:38 +0200 Subject: [ANN] pylint 0.18.1 / astng 0.19.1 Message-ID: <> Hi there, I'm pleased to announce a new bug fixes release of pylint and astng. To see what have been fixed and to download it (unless your using debian, ubuntu or easy_install of course :), check: -- Sylvain Th?nault LOGILAB, Paris (France) Formations Python, Debian, M?th. Agiles: D?veloppement logiciel sur mesure: CubicWeb, the semantic web framework: From hjtoi-better-remove-before-reply at Fri Aug 28 01:43:40 2009 From: hjtoi-better-remove-before-reply at (Heikki Toivonen) Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 16:43:40 -0700 Subject: ANN: M2Crypto 0.20.1 Message-ID: M2Crypto is the most complete Python wrapper for OpenSSL featuring RSA, DSA, DH, HMACs, message digests, symmetric ciphers (including AES); SSL functionality to implement clients and servers; HTTPS extensions to Python's httplib, urllib, and xmlrpclib; unforgeable HMAC'ing AuthCookies for web session management; FTP/TLS client and server; S/MIME; ZServerSSL: A HTTPS server for Zope and ZSmime: An S/MIME messenger for Zope. Smartcards supported with the Engine interface. This is the 0.20.1 release. Download links and bug filing instructions on the homepage at Changelog: - Fix regression in httpslib.ProxyHTTPSConnection, by Miloslav Trmac -- Heikki Toivonen - From ahz001 at Fri Aug 28 15:12:12 2009 From: ahz001 at (Andrew Ziem) Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 07:12:12 -0600 Subject: [ANN] BleachBit 0.6.3 Message-ID: BleachBit trace files to maintain your privacy and deletes junk to recover disk space. Notable changes for 0.6.1: * Clear unused inode data on ext3 and ext4 (and try on other file systems) to hide the metadata (filename, file size, date) of previously deleted files * Delete Windows system logs * Update 18 translations Detailed release notes Download for Linux, Windows, and source code From ischnell at Sat Aug 29 08:04:44 2009 From: ischnell at (Ilan Schnell) Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 01:04:44 -0500 Subject: EPD 5.0 released Message-ID: Hello, I am pleased to announce that EPD (Enthought Python Distribution) version 5.0.0 has been released. You may find more information about EPD, as well as download a 30 day free trial, here: This release contains updates to a large number packages. You may find the release notes here: About EPD --------- The Enthought Python Distribution (EPD) is a "kitchen-sink-included" distribution of the Python Programming Language, including over 80 additional tools and libraries. The EPD bundle includes NumPy, SciPy, IPython, 2D and 3D visualization, database adapters, and a lot of other tools right out of the box. It is currently available as a single-click installer for Windows XP (x86), Mac OS X (a universal binary for OS X 10.4 and above), RedHat 3, 4 and 5, as well as Solaris 10 (x86 and x86_64/amd64). EPD is free for academic use. An annual subscription including installation support is available for individual and commercial use. Additional support options, including customization, bug fixes and training classes are also available: - Ilan From cthedot at Sat Aug 29 15:17:01 2009 From: cthedot at (Christof Hoeke) Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 15:17:01 +0200 Subject: ANN: cssutils 0.9.6b4 Message-ID: what is it ---------- A Python package to parse and build CSS Cascading Style Sheets. (Not a renderer though!) about this release ------------------ 0.9.6b4 is a bugfix release. main changes ------------ + BUGFIX: Issue #29 fixed. Double defined namespaces are replaced with a single (the last one) now. - IMPROVEMENT: ``cssutils.resolveImports`` now keeps media information when to be resolved @import rule uses these. It wraps the imported rules in an @media rule which uses the same media information from the @media rule in the original sheet. An xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr may occur if an imported sheet itself contains @imports with media information or other rules which are not allowed in a @media rule like @namespace rules. In that case cssutils cannot resolve the @import rule and logs a WARNING but keeps the original @import. license ------- cssutils is published under the LGPL version 3 or later, see If you have other licensing needs please let me know. download -------- For download options see cssutils needs Python 2.4 or higher (tested with Python 2.6.2, 2.5.2, 2.4.4 and Jython 2.5 on Vista only) Bug reports (via Google code), comments, etc are very much appreciated! Thanks. Christof From alberanid at Sun Aug 30 13:39:04 2009 From: alberanid at (Davide Alberani) Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 13:39:04 +0200 Subject: RunPON 0.4 Message-ID: <12657175.VatdPhlSkO@snoopy.mio> RunPON 0.4 can be downloaded from here: (mercurial repository) In this version: introduced a .INI configuration file and a GUI to handle it. Morevover, it's possible to keep track of the cumulative connection time. RunPON is a small Python program useful to run the pon/poff scripts. It shows the elapsed connection time and periodically checks if a given network interface is still active. It can run as a stand-alone application (with a status icon in the tray) or as a Gnome panel applet (and compatible panels). Obviously, modifying its configuration, it can run any program you like. It's still under heavy development. If you want to help, please contact me at: da (AT) -- Davide Alberani [GPG KeyID: 0x465BFD47] From cthedot at Sun Aug 30 12:51:39 2009 From: cthedot at (Christof Hoeke) Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 12:51:39 +0200 Subject: ANN: cssutils 0.9.6b5 (bugfix release) Message-ID: what is it ---------- A Python package to parse and build CSS Cascading Style Sheets. (Not a renderer though!) about this release ------------------ 0.9.6b5 is a bugfix release. main changes ------------ + BUGFIX: Issue #30 fixed. Setup from source did not work. license ------- cssutils is published under the LGPL version 3 or later, see If you have other licensing needs please let me know. download -------- For download options see cssutils needs Python 2.4 or higher (tested with Python 2.6.2, 2.5.2, 2.4.4 and Jython 2.5 on Vista only) Bug reports (via Google code), comments, etc are very much appreciated! Thanks. Christof From xi at Mon Aug 31 12:14:18 2009 From: xi at (Kirill Simonov) Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 13:14:18 +0300 Subject: [ANN] PyYAML-3.09: YAML parser and emitter for Python Message-ID: <> ======================== Announcing PyYAML-3.09 ======================== A new bug fix release of PyYAML is now available: Note that PyYAML supports both Python 2 and Python 3. For compatibility notes, please see Changes ======= * Fixed compatibility issues with Python 3.1. * Fixed use of uninitialized memory when emitting anchors with LibYAML bindings (Thank to cegner(at)yahoo-inc(dot)com). * Fixed emitting incorrect BOM characters for UTF-16 (Thank to Valentin Nechayev) * Fixed the emitter for folded scalars not respecting the preferred line width (Thank to Ingy). * Fixed a subtle ordering issue with emitting '%TAG' directives (Thank to Andrey Somov). * Fixed performance regression with LibYAML bindings. Resources ========= PyYAML homepage: PyYAML documentation: TAR.GZ package: ZIP package: Windows installers: PyYAML SVN repository: Submit a bug report: YAML homepage: YAML-core mailing list: About PyYAML ============ YAML is a data serialization format designed for human readability and interaction with scripting languages. PyYAML is a YAML parser and emitter for Python. PyYAML features a complete YAML 1.1 parser, Unicode support, pickle support, capable extension API, and sensible error messages. PyYAML supports standard YAML tags and provides Python-specific tags that allow to represent an arbitrary Python object. PyYAML is applicable for a broad range of tasks from complex configuration files to object serialization and persistance. Example ======= >>> import yaml >>> yaml.load(""" ... name: PyYAML ... description: YAML parser and emitter for Python ... homepage: ... keywords: [YAML, serialization, configuration, persistance, pickle] ... """) {'keywords': ['YAML', 'serialization', 'configuration', 'persistance', 'pickle'], 'homepage': '', 'description': 'YAML parser and emitter for Python', 'name': 'PyYAML'} >>> print yaml.dump(_) name: PyYAML homepage: description: YAML parser and emitter for Python keywords: [YAML, serialization, configuration, persistance, pickle] Copyright ========= The PyYAML module is written by Kirill Simonov . PyYAML is released under the MIT license. From alberanid at Mon Aug 31 13:15:29 2009 From: alberanid at (Davide Alberani) Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 13:15:29 +0200 Subject: IMDbPY 4.2 Message-ID: <3780448.5qWAgFLt9S@snoopy.mio> MDbPY 4.2 is available (tgz, rpm, exe) from: IMDbPY is a Python package useful to retrieve and manage the data of the IMDb movie database about movies, people, characters and companies. With this release, a lot of bugs were fixed, and some minor new features introduced. Platform-independent and written in pure Python (and few C lines), IMDbPY can retrieve data from both the IMDb's web server and a local copy of the whole database. IMDbPY package can be very easily used by programmers and developers to provide access to the IMDb's data to their programs. Some simple example scripts are included in the package; other IMDbPY-based programs are available from the home page. -- Davide Alberani [GPG KeyID: 0x465BFD47]