Elisa Media Center 0.5.35 Release

Olivier Tilloy olivier at fluendo.com
Mon Apr 6 19:23:00 CEST 2009

Dear Python users,

The Elisa team is happy to announce the release of Elisa Media Center
0.5.35, code-named "The Great Debate".

Elisa is a cross-platform and open-source Media Center written in Python.
It uses GStreamer [1] for media playback and pigment [2] to create an
appealing and intuitive user interface.

New features include the ability to manually re-organize TV shows,
movies and unclassified videos, and consistent font sizes throughout the UI.

This release is a "heavy" release, meaning a windows installer is
available for download on our website and ubuntu packages (for hardy and
intrepid) in our PPA.
Since the latest version of pigment is required for this version to run,
no upgrade via the plugin repository will be available.

As usual, tarballs are provided for distribution packagers.

A complete list of the issues fixed can be found at:


This is also summarised in the (attached) release notes.

Installers and sources can be downloaded from

Bug reports and feature requests are welcome at

Have a media-centered evening,

Olivier, for the Elisa team

[1] http://www.gstreamer.net/
[2] https://code.fluendo.com/pigment/trac
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