PyQt3Support r3 - Python bindings for Qt3Support

Matteo Bertini matteo.bertini at
Wed Sep 24 11:42:17 CEST 2008

= PyQt3Support - Python bindings for Qt3Support =

*Whats new*

- Upgraded to PyQt 4.4.3
- /Deprecated/ annotation support in SIP

*What is this?*

PyQt3Support is an extension to PyQt4 that adds bindings to Qt's
Qt3Support library for usage from the Python language.
This is very helpful to migrate existing PyQt3 applications to PyQt4.


Porting from Qt3 to Qt4 can be tedious and bug-prone.

For C++ programmers, Trolltech provides a library, called Qt3Support,
that immensely helps. With Qt3Support, a C++ programmer basically only
needs mechanical changes to your source code. The library is made of
two different parts:

A new family of widgets (Q3*) with the same API of Qt3.
New member functions (or overloads) within standard Qt4 widgets.
For Python programmers, the situation is worse: PyQt4 does not bind
Qt3Support to Python. Developers of PyQt3 are forced to manually
upgrade their code to PyQt4, class by class.

This package fills the gap. By providing a new module
PyQt4.Qt3Support, it enables PyQt3 developers to access Trolltech's
migration library, and thus upgrade their code much easily and faster,
with almost only mechanical changes. It's not a panacea of course: you
probably still need minor manual adjustments and supervising, but it
can still be of great help.


The (big) full package, containing a patched PyQt4 GPL tree with
PyQt3Support. You can basically use this package instead of your PyQt4

The patch to be applied to a PyQt4 release to add PyQt3Support.

Both these packages were produced running the automated script against
PyQt4 4.4.3 and PyQt3 3.17.4.

If you have a commercial license and you are very paranoid, you
probably want to run the script yourself against your own commercial
copies of the packages. Otherwise, just grab the patch and apply it,
since the result is exactly the same.

*Deprecated warnings support*

PyQt3Support now uses the new /Deprecated/ SIP annotation.

The /Deprecated/ annotation raises a Python Warning when Qt3Support is
used, both plain Q3 classes and Qt3Support methods in Q4 classes.

You can filter the warning flood with the standard python machinery:

warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning)

To use PyQt3Support you need at least a SIP snapshot containing the /
Deprecated/ patch or a release >= 4.7.8.

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