Python training in Cheminformatics

Andrew Dalke andrewdalke at
Wed Sep 10 10:09:12 CEST 2008

Python training in Cheminformatics

Andrew Dalke is offering a course in Python programming
for cheminformatics in Leipzig, Germany on 6-7 October
and in the San Francisco Bay Area in early December. Early
registration for the Leipzig course ends 12 September.

For full details see
or contact Andrew directly at dalke at .

The courses are designed for working computational
chemists with some programming experience who want to
be more effective at the software aspect of the field.
The course is hands-on, with examples directly drawn
from common needs in cheminformatics research.

Some of the topics covered are:
  - an overview of the Python language
  - plotting with matplotlib
  - OpenEye's OEChem
  - parsing CSV, SMILES and SD files
  - substructure matching with SMARTS
  - generating and searching fingerprints
  - scripting PyMol
  - calling command-line programs like InChI
  - web scraping servers like PubChem
  - working with Excel

                                Andrew Dalke
                                dalke at

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