Release 0.3 of Evoque Templating

Mario Ruggier mario at
Sat Sep 6 17:53:06 CEST 2008

Happy to announce release version 0.3 of the Evoque Templating engine  
for python. Other than the bug fixes, a couple recent changes that are  
particularly worthy of mention are:

- Significantly more dynamic
In particular you can now do things like determine the base template  
of a template hierarchy chain dynamically at runtime -- how it is done  
boils down to just using a variable to select which template to to use  
as base template i.e. a template just declares an overlay directive  
such as  $overlay{name=my_site_theme}  and the runtime value of  
my_site_theme will determine which template will be overlaid. This can  
be a very nice way to manage a site theme as per user preferences. For  
further explanations, see:

- Seamless integration with Pylons
The code for using Evoque as the templating engine in a Pylons  
application is included in the distribution, and detailed description  
of the process is at:

What is Evoque?
Evoque is a lightweight full-featured generic text templating engine  
for python with sandbox-ability, versatility and simplicity as key  
feature priorities. In spite of its feature-richness, it has a small  
footprint (972 SLOC) and is very fast.

[license] Academic Free License version 3.0
[installation] easy_install evoque

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