PyGoogleDesktop v0.4 released!

Jack G. Atkinson Jr. doxalogos at
Fri Jul 25 20:14:30 CEST 2008

I'm pleased to announce the release of PyGoogleDesktop version 0.4 
available at

Feedback is welcome.

What is PyGoogleDesktop?

PyGoogleDesktop is a python interface into the Google Desktop search 
engine.  It allows you to script searches in the Google Desktop engine 
with existing python code.  Right now, only Windows platforms are 
supported, but future plans to support other OS's will hopefully happen 
as time permits.

This is released under at new BSD-style license.  

Jack G. Atkinson Jr.  "Jay"
Doxa Logos Technologies, Inc.
doxalogos at
Ph (256)-728-3584
Fax (256)-728-2544

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