ANN: ETS 2.6.0 released

Dave Peterson dmp1991 at
Thu Feb 7 22:54:06 CET 2008

I'm proud to announce that ETS 2.6.0 has been released!


The biggest change between this release and last fall's ETS 2.6.0b1
release is that the examples run correctly, there are a few bug fixes
in various sub-projects, and all the sub-projects have dropped their
beta designation as well.

Getting ETS

Binary and source distributions are available from Enthought's servers
via the following URLs.  Please note that a new release of ETS is
packaged as a collection of separate, individually usable projects and
relies on a meta-egg and setuptools / easy_install's dependency
mechanism to completely install.  Other distribution formats become
available over time as demand warrants.

 * Binary eggs: Please see our Install wiki page at for platform support
and installation instructions per platform.

 * Source tarballs:

What Is ETS?

The Enthought Tool Suite (ETS) is a collection of components developed
by Enthought and our partners, which we use every day to construct
custom scientific applications. It includes a wide variety of
components, including an extensible application framework, application
building blocks, 2-D and 3-D graphics libraries, scientific and math
libraries, developer tools, and Python package management tools. The
cornerstone on which these tools rest is the Traits package, which
provides explicit type declarations in Python; its features include
initialization, validation, delegation, notification, and
visualization of typed attributes.

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