GNUmed 0.3.8 released

Sebastian Hilbert sebastian.hilbert at
Wed Dec 24 14:51:42 CET 2008

This release is a bugfix release for the EMR plugin. Other additions and 
changes are detailed in the changelog:

What is it?
GNUmed is an open source Electronic Medical Record. It is developed by a 
handful of medical doctors and programmers from all over the world. It can be 
useful to anyone documenting the health of patients, including but not 
limited to doctors, physical therapists, occupational therapists, ... 

GNUmed is suited for Patient Handling, keeping a Medical Record including 
measurements handling, Document Management, Forms and Letters. Other Client 
Functionality includes various tools such as Snellen chart, statistics and 
reporting as well as third party application connectivity

GNUmed supports multiple cross platform frontends and interfaces. Data is kept 
in a PostgreSQL database. Features can be added  through a plugin mechanism.

Python 2.4 or higher. WxPython, psycopg2, PostgreSQL 8.3

Obtaining GNUmed
The latest GNUmed version, examples and online
documentation can be downloaded from

The online CVS repository is at

Sebastian Hilbert 
Leipzig / Germany
[]  -> PGP welcome, HTML ->/dev/null

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