ETS 3.1.0 released!

Dave Peterson dpeterson at
Wed Dec 10 18:29:39 CET 2008

I'm pleased to announce that the Enthought Tool Suite (ETS) 3.1.0 has
been tagged, released, and uploaded to PyPi!

Both source distributions (.tar.gz) and binary (.egg) for Windows have
been built and uploaded to PyPi.

You can update an existing ETS install to v3.1.0 like so:
    easy_install -U ETS==3.1.0

What is ETS?
The Enthought Tool Suite (ETS) is a collection of projects developed
by members of the OSS community, including Enthought employees, which we
use every day to construct custom scientific applications. It includes a
wide variety of components, including:

    * an extensible application framework
    * application building blocks
    * 2-D and 3-D graphics libraries
    * scientific and math libraries
    * developer tools

The cornerstone on which these tools rest is the Traits project, which
provides explicit type declarations in Python; its features include
initialization, validation, delegation, notification, and visualization
of typed attributes.

More information is available for all these packages from the Enthought
Tool Suite development home page:

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