TextTest 3.12 released!

Geoff Bache geoff.bache at jeppesen.com
Mon Aug 18 16:10:18 CEST 2008

Dear all,

This is an announcement for a tool that has existed since 2003 but whose 
releases haven't featured on this list before. For users it isn't 
strictly python-specific as it will test programs written in any 
language, but it is written in Python and also functions as an 
extensible python framework for functional testing. So I'm going to 
announce releases
here in future unless anyone objects...

Its position is that it is entirely free, entirely open source (LGPL) 
but also has corporate funding behind it (from Jeppesen) so it's a less 
risky investment than some open source tools.

For anyone that already knows the tool, release 3.12 includes major 
improvements to both initial creation of application config files, and 
the functionality to reconnect to previous runs. There is a completely 
new information window for test runs that provides an overview of 
exactly what has been run. There is also a new plugin for Bugzilla 
version 3. On Windows, you now need at least Python 2.5.1. The tests for 
itself will now run out of the box with no setup. There are many more 
minor enhancements and bug fixes.

Geoff Bache

About (See http://www.texttest.org for more details):
TextTest is a tool for automatic text-based functional testing. This 
means running a batch-mode executable in lots of different
ways from the command line, and using the contents of produced text 
files as a means of controlling the behaviour of that application.

It is written in Python using PyGTK for its user interfaces, and is 
supported on POSIX-based systems and Windows (2000,XP,Vista).
Features include:
- Filters output to avoid false failure
- Manages test data and isolation from global effects
- Automatic organisation and grouping of test failures
- “Nightjob website” to get a view of test progress over time
- Performance testing
- Integrates with Sun Grid Engine for parallel testing (and LSF)
- Various “data mining” tools for automatic log interpretation (includes 
integration with bug trackers)
- Interception techniques to automatically “mock out” third-party 
components (command line and network traffic).
- Integrates with xUseCase tools for GUI testing

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