[Elisa] Elisa Media Center 0.5.5 Release

Olivier Tilloy olivier at fluendo.com
Mon Aug 11 20:27:20 CEST 2008

Dear Elisa users,

This mail announces the release of Elisa Media Center 0.5.5 codenamed

An accent has been put on stability during this release cycle which
resulted in 18 bugs fixed.

We have also introduced new features and re-introduced some that were in
the 0.3.x series and had not been ported to the new architecture yet.
This includes:

- Port of the avahi plugin from the 0.3.x series.
- Port of the DAAP plugin from the 0.3.x series.
- First support for contextual actions in the music section.
- The media scanner now handles pictures which are indexed in the
database and accessible from the Photo Library.

Installers and sources can be downloaded from

Bug reports and feature requests are welcome at

There are still some known issues in this release and we are working on
solving them as fast as possible:

- Audio CD are not detected

Have an excellent day,

The Elisa team
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