ANN: PyEnchant 1.3.1

Ryan Kelly ryan at
Wed Sep 19 04:33:14 CEST 2007

Hi All,

  I'm pleased to announce the release of PyEnchant version 1.3.1.  This
release brings several minor enhancements over the previous version, and
includes upgrades to the bundled components (glib, hunspell, dictionary
files) in the Windows version.




Enchant ( is the spellchecking package
behind the AbiWord word processor, is being considered for inclusion in
the KDE office suite, and is proposed as a standard.
It's completely cross-platform because it wraps the native spellchecking
engine to provide a uniform interface.

PyEnchant brings this simple, powerful and flexible spellchecking engine
to Python:

It also provides extended functionality including classes for tokenizing
text and iterating over the spelling errors in it, as well as a
ready-to-use text interface and wxPython dialog.

Current Version: 1.3.1
Licence: LGPL with exemptions, as per Enchant itself

ChangeLog for 1.3.1:

* treat combining unicode marks as letters during tokenization
* cleanup of wxSpellCheckerDialog, thanks to Phil Mayes
* upgrades of bundled components in Windows version
    * upgraded glib DLLs
    * latest dictionaries from
    * latest version of Hunspell

Ryan Kelly  |  This message is digitally signed. Please visit
ryan at        | for details

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