Python North-West meeting - 6 november 18.30

Giacomo Lacava g.lacava at
Sun Oct 28 20:38:09 CET 2007

New meeting of the Python North-West UK community!

This month's talk is:
- Michael Sparks on "Greylisting with Kamaelia" - dramatic spam
reduction with a few lines of Python.

After the talk, you'll be able to showcase your cool python stuff, get
tips from others, have a chat with fellow-minded python geeks... and
relax with free refreshments and nibbles. Free wifi will also be

The meeting will start at 18.30 at the Manchester Digital Development
Lower Ground Floor, 117-119 Portland Street,
Manchester, England M1 6ED.
Thanks to the MDDA folks, who again let us use their facilities free
of charge.

Location map and further details are at  If can't find the venue on
the day, call 0779 6690731 and we'll rescue you.

If you want to give a second (brief) talk at this meeting (or the main
talk at the next one, why not...), please post the idea on the mailing
list ( or mail
g.lacava at

Subscribe to the Python North-West Google Calendar (linked at in various formats)
to get notified of all future meetings and events.

Giacomo Lacava

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