Tutorial: Introduction to Galaxy - a Python/WSGI framework for genomics

ross.lazarus at gmail.com ross.lazarus at gmail.com
Sat Oct 6 19:38:53 CEST 2007

A free, 2 hour hands-on tutorial for genomics software developers will
be offered by the Galaxy team at the start of this year's American
Society for Human Genetics meeting Tuesday, October 23 4:00pm -
6:00pm, San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina.

See http://ashg2007.g2.bx.psu.edu/ for details and signup.

Galaxy is a mature, open-source, translational genomics workbench
framework, written in Python, and designed to make it easy for
developers and bioinformaticians to provide a consistent, integrated,
web based interface to genomics applications and resources for command
line averse biologists. Galaxy supports reproducible research by
persisting each step in an analysis as seen in
http://screencast.g2.bx.psu.edu/MainUseExample.mov , and features low-
impedence integration with major data and annotation sources including
BioMart and UCSC. The main Galaxy site at http://main.g2.bx.psu.edu/
offers a free, public service, but a local Mac or Linux private server
test installation is quick (see http://g2.trac.bx.psu.edu/wiki/HowToInstall),
and the Galaxy tool menu in a private instance is easily extended -
any command line executable that takes command line parameters
(including Python, R, and perl scripts, Java, compiled C++,  or even
Cobol...anything the target machine can execute) can be "wrapped" into a
Galaxy tool by providing a simple XML interface specification (see the
screencast at http://g2.trac.bx.psu.edu/wiki/AddToolTutorial).

(If you plan on coming, and have a Mac or Linux laptop, please pre-
install Galaxy to save time and load on the alternative arrangements
we're making for Win laptop users)

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