ANN: Front Range Pythoneers Meeting, Wed, May 16, 6-8 PM, in Boulder, Colorado - Weather Research with Python

frpythoneers at frpythoneers at
Thu May 10 20:30:30 CEST 2007

== Meeting: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 ==

 * Time: 6-8 PM

 * Location: bivio Software, Inc., 28th and Iris, Boulder, CO. Above
   Hair Elite in Suite S. There is abundant parking.

This coming Wednesday, May 16, we have two researchers from the
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder presenting
how they use Python as part of their weather research:

 * Joe VanAndel will present "Linux and Python at 20,000 Meters Above
   the Sea", a NCAR/CNES dropsonde project that investigated the
   hurricane formation zone off the west coast of Africa. After
   introducing the driftsonde project, he will discuss how Linux was
   used in the on-board gondola computer and explain how using the
   Python programming language facilitated reprogramming the gondola
   in the middle of a flight.

 * Mary Haley will present "Python Frameworks for Geoscience
   Visualization and Analysis". PyNGL and PyNIO are Python interfaces
   to a widely popular software package called the NCAR Command
   Language (NCL) for the access, analysis, and high-quality
   quantitative visualization of geoscientific data. Mary will briefly
   discuss NCL's history, and then segue into why Python was chosen
   for developing the next generation framework tools for file
   input/output, analysis and visualization. She will show an
   animation from a new high resolution Community Climate System Model
   (CCSM) run computed on a T341 grid (1024 points in longitude by 512
   points in latitude) that was created using NCAR's new Python
   interfaces to NCL and other post production utilities.

Some upcoming events you might be interested in:

 * Front Range Code Camp. Saturday, May 19. This would be an good
   setting to have a Python code jam.

 * Pythoneers Meeting, June 18. Steve Bethard from CU will present on
   Python and Natural Language Processing.

 * SciPy 2007 Conference, Aug 16-17. Held on the CalTech campus in
   Pasadena, CA, Aug 16-17. The deadline for abstracts is June 29.

We will have food & drink available as usual.  This includes our usual
free beer!

Hope to see you there Wednesday!
More details:

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