Jinja 1.1 Released

Armin Ronacher armin.ronacher at active-4.com
Sat Jun 2 15:01:25 CEST 2007

Jinja 1.1 Released

Jinja 1.1 codenname sinka is out! And with more changes then ever.
Here a small summary of the new features and improvements:

- blocks now support ``{{ super() }}`` to render the parent output.

- the template lexer keeps not track of brace, parenthesis and
  bracket balance in order to not break variable tags apart if they
  are configured to look like this: ``${expr}``. This also fixes
  the problem with nested dicts in variable expressions.

- added whitespace management system for the template designer.

- many new filters and helpers such as `lipsum`, `batch`, `slice`,
  `sum`, `abs`, `round`, `striptags` and others.

- reimplemented Buffet plugin so that you can use Jinja in pylons.

- added optional C-implementation of the context baseclass.

- it's now possible to stream templates.

- reworked loader layer. All the cached loaders now have "private" non
  cached baseclasses so that you can easily mix your own caching
  layers in.

- added `MemcachedLoaderMixin` and `MemcachedFileSystemLoader`
  contributed by Bryan McLemore.

- many new unittests, bugfixes and improvements.

The whole list of changes can be found in the `changelog`_. Get it
it's hot from the `cheeseshop`_.

.. _changelog: http://jinja.pocoo.org/documentation/changelog#version-1-1
.. _cheeseshop: http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/Jinja/1.1

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