gozerbot 0.7 released

bthate bthate at gmail.com
Mon Jul 9 01:09:35 CEST 2007

it time for a new gozerbot release ! we made a 0.7 release of

new in gozerbot 0.7:

    * we have a new developer on the team .. Wijnand 'tehmaze'
Modderman he contributed most of the new work in this release.
copyright on tehmaze's work is BSD
    * new plugins: rest, lag, nickserv, snarf, tinyurl, umode, popcon,
    * udp messaging can now be encrypted
    * remote installable plugins are now signed .. this means gnupg is
required to install these plugins
    * new plugin site: http://plugins.gozerbot.org
    * gozerbot now has it own popularity contest webpage .. see
    * new periodical class for easy scheduling of jobs
    * new bugtracker site: http://dev.gozerbot.org

the new release can be downloaded from the following resources:

    * http://gozerbot.org/
    * http://code.google.com/p/gozerbot
    * debian users can install the bot from sid/unstable

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