Twisted 2.5.0 released

Christopher Armstrong radix at
Thu Jan 11 16:53:54 CET 2007

Get Twisted:

Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications which
works on Python 2.3.x, 2.4.x, and 2.5.x.

Twisted 2.5.0 is a major feature release, with several interesting new
developments and a great number of bug fixes. Some of the highlights

 * AMP, the Asynchronous Messaging Protocol, was introduced.  AMP is a
protocol which provides request/response semantics over a persistent
connection in a very simple and extensible manner.

 * An Epoll-based reactor was added, which can be used with twistd or
trial by passing "-r epoll" on the command line. This may improve
performance of certain high-traffic network applications.

 * The 'twistd' command can now accept sub-commands which name an
application to run. For example, 'twistd web --path .' will start a
web server serving files out of the current directory. This
functionality is meant to replace the old way of doing things with
'mktap' and 'twistd -f'.

 * Python 2.5 is now supported. Previous releases of Twisted were
broken by changes in the release of Python 2.5.

 * 'inlineCallbacks' was added, which allows taking advantage of the
new 'yield' expression syntax in Python 2.5 to avoid writing callbacks
for Deferreds.

 * Many improvements were made to the Jabber support in twisted.words.

Hit to see what's new and
to get the latest downloads, including tarballs and Windows

Again thanks to Jean-Paul Calderone and Cory Dodt for helping get this
release out the door, and thanks to all the Twisted contributors whose
work went into Twisted 2.5.

Christopher Armstrong
International Man of Twistery

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