Shed Skin Optimizing Python-to-C++ Compiler 0.0.20

Mark Dufour mark.dufour at
Tue Feb 27 12:09:35 CET 2007

Hi all,

Here goes Shed Skin 0.0.20. No major new features this time, but lots
of bugs were squashed. A changelog:

-improvements to aug-assignments with subscripting ('a[x, y] += 1' and such)
-fixed some problems with slice-assignments ('a[1:-1] = [1,2])
-make integer division (/,//,divmod,floordiv) equal to CPython for
negative/positive combinations of arguments
-make printing of floats closer to CPython
-move generic functions/methods to header file
-many small fixes (allow 'self' as function argument, list.extend
takes iterable, __delitem__ overloading, raw_input regression,
'return' from generator..)
-improved error checking for dynamic types

Please see for more information
about Shed Skin.

Mark Dufour.
"One of my most productive days was throwing away 1000 lines of code"
- Ken Thompson

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