[ANN] Release 0.67.0 of Task Coach

Frank Niessink frank at niessink.com
Sun Dec 16 20:24:21 CET 2007


I'm happy to announce release 0.67.0 of Task Coach. This release makes
it possible to color tasks via their categories, adds a translation in
Hebrew, and makes it easier to mark tasks as not completed.

Bug fixed:

* Don't move selection to the first line of the task tree viewer when
deleting a subtask.

Features added:

* Added Hebrew translation thanks to Ziv Barcesat.
* You can assign a color to a category. Tasks are colored according to
the color of the categories they belong to.
* The 'mark task completed' button and menu items can now also be used
to mark tasks as not completed.

Dependency changed:

* Task Coach now needs at least wxPython Since the
Windows installer and the Mac OSX dmg package have wxPython included,
this only affects users of the RPM, Debian, and source distributions.

What is Task Coach?

Task Coach is a simple task manager that allows for hierarchical
tasks, i.e. tasks in tasks. Task Coach is open source (GPL) and is
developed using Python and wxPython. You can download Task Coach from:


In addition to the source distribution, packaged distributions are
available for Windows XP/Vista, Mac OSX, and Linux (Debian and RPM format).

Note that Task Coach is alpha software, meaning that it is wise to back
up your task file regularly, and especially when upgrading to a new release.

Cheers, Frank

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