[ANN] Movable Python 2.0.0 Beta 2

Fuzzyman fuzzyman at gmail.com
Wed Nov 8 01:17:15 CET 2006

I'm pleased to announce the release of `Movable Python 2.0.0 Beta 2

There are now updated versions for Python 2.2 - 2.5, the Mega-Pack
[#]_, and the free trial version.

The most important changes in this release are :

* Fixes for Pythonwin. The 'run' button and 'grep' dialog now work.
* You can now specify a directory for config files.
* The environment programs are run in is no longer pre-populated with
variables. The **Movable Python** variables are now in a module called

You can see the full `changelog
<http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/movpy/changelog.html>`_ below.

You can download the updated version from :

    `Movable Python Download Pages

You can get the free trial version, from

    `Movable Python Demo & Other Files

What is Movable Python

**Movable Python** is a distribution of Python, for Windows, that can
run without being installed. It means you can carry a full development
environment round on a USB stick.

It is also useful for testing programs with a 'clean Python install',
and testing programs with multiple versions of Python.

The GUI program launcher makes it a useful programmers tool, including
features like :

* Log the output of all Python scripts run
* Enable Psyco for all scripts
* Quick Launch buttons for commonly used programs
* Configure multiple interpreters for use from a single interface

It comes with the Pythonwin IDE.

Plus many other features and bundled libraries.

What's New ?

The changes in version 2.0.0 Beta 2 include :

(Many thanks to Schipo and Patrick Vrijlandt for bug reports, fixes and

Updated to Python 2.4.4 and wxPython 2.7.1

Fixed the bug with pylab support.

Fixed problem with global name scope in the interactive interpreter.

Everything moved out of the default namespace and moved into a module
called 'movpy'. This contains :

* ``filename`` = the path to the script we are running (the executable
in interactive mode)
* ``filedir`` = the directory that script is in (None when in
interactive mode)
* ``movpydir`` = the directory of the movpy executable
* ``curdir`` = the cwd from which we have been called
* ``configdir`` = the directory where config files are accessed from
* ``libdir`` = the 'lib' directory that modules/packages are contained
* ``commandline`` != '' if '-c' was used
* ``go_interactive`` = True if '-i' was set.
* ``interactive`` = True if we are in an interactive session
* ``interactive_mode`` is a function to enter interactive mode

    ``interactive_mode(localvars=None, globalvars=None, IPOFF=False,

* ``movpyw`` = True if we are running under movpyw rather than movpy

The docs menu option will now launch the local version if available.

Logfile is now closed using 'atexit' (should be closed *after* other
'atexit' functions finish).

Logfile is flushed after every write to keep it in sync.

A new command line option to specify the config file directory.

    ``movpyw --config ~\movpyfiles\config``

(The '~' is expanded to mean the user directory.)

Fix for grep in Pythonwin IDE.

Fix so that 'run' works in Pythonwin. (Browse button is disabled.)

.. [#] The `Mega-Pack
<http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/movpy/megapack.html>`_ is all the
interpreters bundled together. It comes pre-configured so that you can
test programs with any version of Python (including IronPython) from a
single interface.

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