ANN: PyEnchant 1.2.0

Ryan Kelly ryan at
Mon Nov 6 01:56:53 CET 2006

Hi All,

  I'm pleased to announce the release of PyEnchant version 1.2.0.  This
version includes some important updates in the underlying enchant
library, and implements basic "filters" to allow skipping of email
addresses, WikiWords, URLs, etc during a spellchecking session.




Enchant ( is the spellchecking
package behind the AbiWord word processor, is being considered for
inclusion in the KDE office suite, and is proposed as a standard. It's completely cross-platform because
it wraps the native spellchecking engine to provide a uniform

PyEnchant brings this simple, powerful and flexible spellchecking
engine to Python:

It also provides extended functionality including classes for tokenizing
text and iterating over the spelling errors in it, as well as a
ready-to-use text interface and wxPython dialog.

Current Version: 1.2.0
Licence: LGPL with exemptions, as per Enchant itself

ChangeLog for 1.2.0:

* Implemented "filters" that allow tokenization to skip common word
  forms such as URLs, WikiWords, email addresses etc.
* Now ships with enchant-1.3.0, meaning:
     * PWLs can return a useful list of suggestions rather than
       the empty list
     * Hunspell replaces MySpell as the default Windows backend
* Tokenization doesnt split words at non-alpha characters by default
* GtkSpellCheckerDialog contributed by Fredrik Corneliusson
* Removed deprecated functionality:
     * Dict.add_to_personal
     * All registry handling functionality from enchant.utils
     * enchant.utils.SpellChecker (use enchant.checker.SpellChecker)
* Removed PyPWL, as native enchant PWLs can now suggest corrections

Ryan Kelly  |  This message is digitally signed. Please visit
ryan at        | for details

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