PyPE 2.7.2 released

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at
Sat Nov 4 01:53:14 CET 2006

=== What is PyPE? ===
PyPE (Python Programmers' Editor) was written in order to offer a
lightweight but powerful editor for those who think emacs is too much
and idle is too little. Syntax highlighting is included out of the box,
as is multiple open documents via tabs.

Beyond the basic functionality, PyPE offers an expandable source tree,
filesystem browser, draggable document list, todo list, filterable
function list, find and replace bars (no dialog to find or replace simple
strings), recordable and programmable macros, spell checker,
reconfigurable menu hotkeys, triggers, find in files, external process
shells, and much more.

=== More Information ===

If you would like more information about PyPE, including screenshots,
where to download the source or windows binaries, bug tracker, contact
information, or a somewhat complete listing of PyPE's features, visit
PyPE's home on the web:

If you have any questions about PyPE, please contact me, Josiah Carlson,
aka the author of PyPE, at jcarlson at .

PyPE 2.7.2 includes the following changes and bugfixes since release

(changed) files with at least 20,000 lines or at least 4 megs will no
longer have their bookmark or fold states saved on close.  This
significantly reduces the time to close (and sometimes open) large files.
(fixed) code that uses MainWindow.exceptDialog() will now properly create
a dialog.
(fixed) wxPython 2.7 incompatability in the Browsable directory tree in
wxPython 2.7 - .
(removed) some unnecessary debug printouts.
(changed) the 'Search' tab to better handle narrower layouts.
(fixed) the 'Ignore .subdirs' option in the 'Search' tab now gets
disabled along with 'Search Subdirectories' when applicable.
(fixed) error when opening changelog.txt on unicode-enabled
(fixed) spell checker for unicode-enabled platforms.
(fixed) case where various checkmarks in the Documents menu wouldn't
update when a document was opened, closed, or created on some platforms.
(added) --font= command line option for choosing the font that the
editor will use.

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