Toronto Area Python Users Group (PyGTA) meeting tomorrow, 7pm at Linux Caffe

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at
Mon May 22 23:47:56 CEST 2006

We'll be holding our regular meeting @ Linux Caffe tomorrow evening.  My
proposed topic of the evening:

    Web development frameworks, structures, experiences and suggestions

We have an embarrassment of riches in Python, yet no single Web
Framework has emerged as being a reasonable "obvious choice" for all web
development projects.  What do we as developers want to see from a web
framework, what comes close, where does it fall down.   We'll try to
keep presentation-style stuff to 5-10 minutes for any given framework so
that we can have a lively discussion about features, approaches,
assumptions and suggestions for how to improve on the frameworks.  My
own interest is more in how the frameworks help or hinder when
"programming in the large", but hearing about quick-and-dirty project
support is likely to be just as interesting to everyone.

Linux Caffe is located at Grace and Harbord, just South of Christie
station.  It has free wifi, so if you have online demonstrations of web
frameworks, feel free to bring a laptop.  I'll have a Linux Laptop
available for those who want to show us the shock and awe of their
favourite framework, but keep in mind that we want to hear what's
*wrong* with it too, not just sales pitches (and no "it's perfect, it's
just not widely known enough" cop-outs).  If you'd like to do a couple
of minute presentation on your favourite or current framework, let me
know and I'll schedule people to talk.  We'll try to keep the whole
thing civil, of course, this is Python, after all.

Maps and the like available off the Wiki page:

Have fun all,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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