[ANN] Firedrop 0.2.1

Fuzzyman fuzzyman at gmail.com
Fri Mar 31 09:04:47 CEST 2006

Firedrop 0.2.1 has just been released.


A bugfix release.

* Removed mistaken dependency on `pythonutils
* Fixed bug where cancelling the new site dialog would still report
that the
  site was created

**Firedrop2** is a cross-platform blogging tool written in
`Python <http://www.python.org>`_. It keeps your blog source files on
computer, making it a *clientside* tool. This means you control your
and can easily move it from one server to another, with no risk of
losing data.
It also means you can manage your blog *offline*.

It is fully open source, and has all the features you expect from a
blogging program :

* {acro;RSS;Really Simple Syndication} feed generation
* Categories
* Automatic archive generation
* A powerful set of plugins, including spell checker and emailer
* Entries can be made in text, {acro;HTML}, {acro;ReST}, textile,
  or markdown markup
* HTML templating system and macros for all sorts of tricks
* Built in {acro;FTP} capability for uploading your blog to a server
* Because it's written in Python, it is easy to extend Firedrop or
create new
  plugins for it

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