Shed Skin Optimizing Python-to-C++ Compiler 0.0.10

Mark Dufour mark.dufour at
Thu Jun 15 16:40:56 CEST 2006

Hi all,

I have just released version 0.0.10 of Shed Skin, an optimizing
Python-to-C++ compiler. It allows for translation of pure
(unmodified), implicitly statically typed Python programs into
optimized C++, and hence, highly optimized machine language. Many
non-trivial benchmarks (ray tracer, chess player, othello player, sat
solver, 3 sudoku solvers..) run typically 2-40 times faster than when
using Psyco, 12 times on average, and 2-220 times than when using
CPython, 45 times on average.

Besides many bug fixes, this release adds many error messages for
unsupported features, so it should be much easier to try out the
compiler and work around problems. Please download this new release
from and let me know about any

Mark Dufour.
if vars: self.output('; '.join([self.type(var)+' '+name for (name,var)
in vars.items()])+';')

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