[ANN] Vision Egg 1.0 release

Andrew Straw astraw at caltech.edu
Mon Jan 9 16:51:14 CET 2006

I am pleased to announce the Vision Egg 1.0, a free, open source
software library for producing visual stimuli for use in vision research
experiments. Please visit our website at http://www.visionegg.org

= What is the Vision Egg? =

The Vision Egg is based on OpenGL, enabling hardware-accelerated drawing
on Windows, Mac OS X, linux, and other operating systems. It is capable
of generating many stimuli in realtime, enabling closed-loop and
gaze-contingent experiments. The library can utilize 3D projection
geometry so that wide-field stimuli such as sinusoidal gratings or
panoramic images may be specified in angular units and appropriately
distorted for flat or other displays. The library comes with numerous
demonstration programs which provide a 'hands-on' way to learn its
capabilities. The Vision Egg is written in the Python computer language
utilizing several third party modules, all of which are free, open
source software. Additional software is available, such as a Python
implementation of the popular QUEST Bayesian adaptive psychometric
method by Watson and Pelli and Pylink, an interface for the EyeLink
eyetrackers from SR Research.

= What is new in this release? =

Release 1.0 comes after 2 years of beta-testing by laboratories around
the world. Since the release of version 0.9.9, the following changes
have been made:

* Major enhancements to the ephys server/GUI code to use normal (or
  slightly modified) demo scripts in this environment were done by Imran
  Ali and Lachlan Dowd in the lab of David O'Carroll at the University
  of Adelaide.

* An initial patch for stereo support sent by Yuichi Sakano and Kevin
  J. MacKenzie at York University.

* Parallel port enhancements by Hubertus Becker, University of

* Arrow and FilledCircle stimuli by Hubertus Becker, University of

* DaqKeyboard and ResponseControl by Hubertus Becker, University of

* Full screen anti-aliasing support (FSAA) by Mark Halko, Boston

* Various patches by Tony Arkles (University of Saskatchewan),
  including a suggestion to separate camera motions from the
  GL_PROJECTION matrix and put them in the GL_MODELVIEW matrix, where
  they belong.

* Patch for VISIONEGG_SYSTEM_DIR by Nick Knouf, MIT.

* Added win32_vretrace.WaitForRetrace() (but it's not used for much,

* Enhancements to EPhys Server/GUI sequencer

* Added 'lat-long rectangle' to available 3D masking windows

* Moved controller.CONSTANTS into FlowControl module namespace

* Numerous bugfixes

For further information, or to download the Vision Egg, visit

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