csvdatmix Project Feedback

Terrence A. Pietrondi tepietrondi at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 5 02:03:58 CET 2006

I have been working on a project written in Python and
I would like to share to get some feedback. The name
of the project is 'CSV Data Mix'(csvdatamix). The
whole concept behind the project is to accept comma
separated values as input, randomize that input and
then output it. The objective is to conceal the
original state of the data in situations where privacy
is an issue, but similar data might be wanted for
testing purposes. 

The project page is listed on Sourceforge.net at:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/csvdatamix/ . Please
feel free to send comments and suggestions. Thank you.

Terrence A. Pietrondi
tepietrondi at yahoo.com

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