PyChecker lives, version 0.8.15 released

Neal Norwitz nnorwitz at
Thu Sep 1 07:08:05 CEST 2005

Special thanks to Ken Pronovici.  He did a lot of work for this
release and helped ensure it occurred.

Version 0.8.15 of PyChecker is available.  It's been over a year since
the last release.  Wow, time really does fly.  Since it's been so long
I'm sure I screwed something up, treat it delicately.  It may have bugs
and erase your hard drive.  If that happens, look on the bright side, 
you won't have any more bugs. :-)

        PyChecker is a tool for finding bugs in Python source code.
        It finds problems that are typically caught by a compiler for less
        dynamic languages, like C and C++.  It is similar to lint.

Comments, criticisms, new ideas, and other feedback is welcome.

Since I expect there may be a bit more bugs than normal, I will try to
put out another release in a few weeks.  Please file bug reports
including problems with installation, false positives, &c on Source Forge.
You are welcome to use the mailling list to discuss anything pychecker 
related, including ideas for new checks.

Changes from 0.8.14 to 0.8.15:

  * Fix spurious warning about catching string exceptions
  * Don't barf if there is # -*- encoding: ... -*- lines and unicode strings
  * was rewritten to honor --root, --home, etc options
  * Fix internal error on processing nested scopes
  * Fix constant tuples in Python 2.4
  * Don't warn about implicit/explicit returns in Python 2.4, we can't tell
  * Fix crash when __slots__ was an instance w/o __len__
  * Fix bug that declared {}.pop to only take one argument, it takes 1 or 2
  * Fix spurious warning when using tuples for exceptions
  * Fix spurious warning <stack> / <stack> 
  * Fix spurious warnings for sets module about __cmp__, __hash__
  * Changed abstract check to require raising NotImplementedError
    rather than raising any error
  * Fix spurious warnings in Python 2.4 for Using is (not) None warnings
  * Fix spurious warnings for some instances of No class attribute found
  * Fix spurious warnings for implicit returns when using nested functions

PyChecker is available on Source Forge:
    Web page: 
    Project page:
    Mailing List:       pychecker-list at

pychecker-list at

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