ANN: PyTest v0.5.0

Christopher Blunck chris at
Sat May 21 07:08:40 CEST 2005

PyTest v0.5.0

This is a small package that facilitates the unit testing process by
aggregating PyUnit tests and making them easier to call from the
command line and from within other unit tests.

Typical PyUnit tests are written in a 1-1 relationship with the module
they test.  Module "" is typically tested with module
"".  In packages with multiple modules it can become
cumbersome to run all of the unit tests from the command line.

One could write an aggregator "" module and have it call
into each "test_*.py" module to retrieve a TestCase to assemble a
suite.  However, that approach requires 2 modifications each time a
unit test is added (one modification for the test itself, and one
modification in

PyTest can run all of the unit tests in a directory via the command
line by locating all modules that begin with "test_".  Reflection is
then used to extract the TestCase class, and a suite is constructed
reflecting all test cases.  

Additionally, PyTest can be used programmatically in a

Please see my site for more info:


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