Chicago Python Group, Thurs March 10

Ian Bicking ianb at
Tue Mar 8 06:38:07 CET 2005

The Chicago Python User Group, ChiPy, will have its next meeting
on Thursday, March 10, starting at 7pm.  For more information on ChiPy


This week we will have two presentations.  Robert Ramsdell will talk 
about SimPy.  SimPy (Simulation in Python) is an object-oriented, 
process-based discrete-event simulation language based on standard 
Python. It provides the modeler with components of a simulation model 
including processes, for active components like customers, messages, and 
vehicles, and resources, for passive components that form limited 
capacity congestion points like servers, checkout counters, and tunnels. 
It also provides monitor variables to aid in gathering statistics.

Ian Bicking will be presenting on WSGI, WSGIKit, and Python web 
programming.  WSGI is a new Python standard for interfacing between web 
servers (like Apache or Twisted) and web applications.  WSGIKit is a 
reimplementation of Webware for Python using a series of WSGI 
components.  He will be talking about its design and utilization of WSGI 
to create cross-framework libraries.


This month we will be having our first suburban meeting, in Downer's Grove:

   3333 Finley Road
   Downer's Grove
   Near the intersection of I-355 and Buttefield Road.
   Convenient to Fry's!

Parking is plentiful.  Some people are carpooling from the city -- 
contact the mailing list if you are interested.chiPy at

About ChiPy

We meet once amonth, on the second Thursday of the month.  If you can't 
come this month, please join our mailing list:

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