XIST 2.8 released

Walter Dörwald walter at livinglogic.de
Mon Jan 3 23:30:13 CET 2005

XIST 2.8 has been released!

What is it?

XIST is an extensible HTML/XML generator written in Python. XIST is
also a DOM parser (built on top of SAX2) with a very simple and
Pythonesque tree API. Every XML element type corresponds to a Python
class, and these Python classes provide a conversion method to transform
the XML tree (e.g. into HTML). XIST can be considered "object oriented XSL".

What's new in version 2.8?

   * XIST requires Python 2.4 now.
   * ll.xist.ns.specials.x has been renamed to
     ll.xist.utils.findAttr has been renamed to ll.xist.utils.findattr.
   * ll.xist.xfind.item no longer handles slices.
   * XFind has been enhanced to support item and slice operators, i.e.
     if foo is an XFind operator, foo[0] is an operator that will
     produce the first node from foo (if there is one). Negative values
     and slices are supported too.
   * Operators can be chained via division: html.a/html.b is an operator
     that can be passed around and applied to a node.
   * XIST requires the new core module and makes use of the new
     "cooperative displayhook" functionality defined there: If you
     install the displayhook you can tweak or replace
     ll.xist.presenters.hookpresenter to change the output.

For changes in older versions see:

As the package structure has changed, there is a new version of every
other LivingLogic package too.

Furthermore the web pages have been redesigned.

Where can I get it?

XIST can be downloaded from http://ftp.livinglogic.de/xist/
or ftp://ftp.livinglogic.de/pub/livinglogic/xist/

Web pages are at

ViewCVS access is available at

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     Walter Dörwald

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