Blender 2.35 (3d python application)

SM stani_ at
Tue Nov 16 14:24:45 CET 2004

Just released: the exciting Blender 2.35 version. Now with a full undo
system, complete rewritten and upgraded mesh modeling, Outliner tool,
new deform features, and much, much more...

Read the full list of additions and changes in 2.35:

Here you can download Blender 2.35 for all platforms:

Blender homepage:
Blender Python IDE:

Changes in 2.35 Python API


A new group was created to take care of bundled scripts management and
discussions. Resources include mailing lists, a cvs repository and a
section at Blender's wiki. The goal from now on is to make sure
included scripts reach the quality and integration expected for any
Blender functionality.

For this release only two scripts were added to the already bundled

    * Scripts Help Browser (Help menu): shows help information about
registered scripts. This is a very recent addition, after 2.35 script
authors will have time to update their scripts with more information.
    * Save Current Theme (Export menu): save the current theme as a
Blender Python script.

Internal changes

BPython is going through general clean-up and internal restructuring
of the code. Stephen Swaney has been very active in this area, besides
having fixed many memory leaks and other bugs.

    * new modules: Sound, Window.Theme;
    * script links: new scene OnSave event;
    * misc: now all command line arguments passed to Blender are
available with sys.argv;
    * Blender: new options to Blender.Get(): 'homedir', 'scriptsdir',
    * BGL: 6 GLU functions;
    * Effect: made Effect.Get('my_obj') return list with all my_obj's
effects -- this breaks compatibility with its old behavior, but is in
accordance with the rest of the API and is more useful;
    * Image: added image.glLoad() and image.glFree();
    * Material: access to mirror and transparency;
    * Object: fixed obj.getMatrix(): defaults to world space again,
added old pre-2.34 behavior as option: 'old_worldspace';
    * Texture: access to Musgrave, Voronoi, Distorted Noise tex types;
    * Window: new GetPerspMatrix() function;
    * World: world.get/setCurrent() method.


Besides the usual bpython team members, many other programmers
contribute with patches, bug reports, suggestions and feedback via
forums and mailing lists. We apologize for any omissions, please feel
free to correct us:

Stephen Swaney, Chris Keith, Joilnen B. Leite, Joseph Gilbert, Jacques
Guignot, Michel Selten, Willian Padovani Germano, Chris Want, Campbell
Barton, Joseph Eagar, Tom Musgrove, Michael Reimpell, Satish Goda,
Nathan Letwory, Alexander Szakaly, Jonas Petersen, Stani Michiels,
Yann Vernier, Jean-Michel Soler, Alfredo de Greef, Matt Ebb, Stefan

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