ANNOUNCE: PyNSource 1.3 reverse engineering UML tool for Python source code

Andy Bulka
21 Mar 2004 19:58:40 -0800

Announcing PyNSource 1.3 
A UML reverse engineering and modelling tool for Python source code.

PyNSource is a python code scanner and UML modelling tool that
generates UML diagrams that you can layout, arrange and print out. A
standalone exe release for windows users is available.

PyNSource can also generate UML ASCII / text diagrams, which you can
paste into your source code for documentation purposes, in conjunction
with an ascii art editor (see references on web site).

PyNSource can scan python source code and generate compilable Java or
Delphi code, which can be subsequently imported into more
sophisticated UML modelling tools.
New in this release
 * GUI front end allowing you to import python code 
   directly into a manipulatable UML diagram. 
 * Delphi output (.pas files)
 * Java output (.java files) now compilable
 * Standalone .EXE of GUI for windows users.
 * Print and Print Preview support

 * Resilient: doesn't import the python files, thus will 
   never get "stuck" when syntax is wrong. 
 * Fast
 * Recognises inheritance and composition  relationships
 * Detects the cardinality of associations e.g. 
   one to one or 1..*  etc
 * Optionally treat modules as classes - creating a 
   pseudo class for each module - module variables and 
   functions are treated as attributes and methods of a class
 * Has been developed using unit tests (supplied) so that 
   you can trust it just that little bit more ;-)
 * Free

Andy Bulka