Update to the Stackless Pages -- thanks for so much input!

Christian Tismer tismer@stackless.com
Fri, 30 Jan 2004 03:36:51 +0100

Dear friends,

there have been so many changes, additions, contributions
and discussion of Stackless in the last few days, that I
did an update of the website and created new binaries as well.

There also were some kind people who sent some money via
PayPal. I would like to thank these, and encourage others
to follow their example.
Everybody is listed in the sponsors page.

There is a good chance for Stackless 3.0 for Python 2.3.3
to appear in the first days of February.

Thanks to all contributors who helped in any way!

cheers - chris  http://www.stackless.com/

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer@stackless.com>
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