Tutorials at Europython questionaire

Jacob Hallen jacob@cd.chalmers.se
23 Feb 2004 16:41:16 GMT

The organising committee for Europython is currently busy planning
this years conference, which will run in Göteborg, Sweden, 7-9 June

To help us serve the community in the best way possible, we need your
input on what you think we should do in the way of tutorials.

Please send this questionare filled in to "europython at python dot org".

1. Are you likely to attend Europython?

Yes/No/Only if there are tutorials I'd like to go to.

2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you be ready
to pay for such a tutorial?

3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?
Please rank the alternatives.
a. Friday 4 June
b. Saturday 5 June
c. Sunday 6 June
d. During the conference
e. When it doesn't conflict with my Sprint
f. Thursday 10 June

4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?

5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?

For the Europython team

Jacob Hallén
Head organiser

More information about Europython will shortly be available at