ANN: PyEnchant 0.9.1

Ryan Kelly ryan at
Wed Dec 29 09:15:33 CET 2004

PyEnchant version 0.9.1 has been released.  Updates include:

  * Windows installer with self-contained copy of enchant library and 
ispell dictionaries
  * Confirmed to work with latest Enchant release

Most importantly, it now provides a click-to-install spellchecking 
solution for python on the windows platform.
It should work using the system enchant library anywhere that enchant 
itself can run.


Enchant ( is the spellchecking
package behind the AbiWord word processor, is being considered for
inclusion in the KDE office suite, and is proposed as a standard. It's completely cross-platform because
it wraps the native spellchecking engine to provide a uniform

PyEnchant brings this simple, powerful and flexible spellchecking
engine to Python:

Current Version: 0.9.1
Licence: LGPL with exemptions, as per Enchant itself



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