ANN: ActivePython 2.4.0 build 243 is available

Trent Mick trentm at
Wed Dec 1 02:15:18 CET 2004

ActivePython 2.4.0 (final) is now available from:

This is a release candidate matching the recently tagged core Python
2.4.0. Builds for Linux, Solaris and Windows are available.

We would welcome any and all feedback to:
     ActivePython-feedback at
Please file bugs against ActivePython at:

What is ActivePython?

ActivePython is ActiveState's quality-assured binary build of Python.
Builds for Windows, Linux and Solaris and made freely available.

ActivePython includes the Python core and core extensions (zlib 1.2.1,
bzip2 1.0.2, bsddb 4.2.52, Tk 8.4.4, and Tix 8.1.4). On Windows,
ActivePython includes the PyWin32 suite of Windows tools developed by
Mark Hammond, including bindings to the Win32 API and Windows COM, the
Pythonwin IDE; and more.

ActivePython also includes a wealth of Python documentation, including:
- the core Python docs;
- Andrew Kuchling's "What's New in Python" series;
- the Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python;
- Mark Pilgrim's excellent "Dive into Python"; and
- a snapshot of the Python FAQs, HOWTOs and PEPs.

An online version of the docs can be found here:

Extra Bits

This release of ActivePython also includes the following packages:

- a "doc" package: the full ActivePython documentation set viewable
   with any browser
- a "debug" package: debug-built binaries for ActivePython users
   building debug versions of their binary Python extensions
- ActivePython24.chm: an MS compiled help collection of the full
   ActivePython documentation set. Linux users of applications such
   as xCHM might find this useful.

These packages are available from:

Thanks, and enjoy!

Trent (and the hard-working elves at ActiveState)

Trent Mick
trentm at

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