Outcome of third Bug Day

A.M. Kuchling amk at amk.ca
Tue Aug 10 00:39:31 CEST 2004

The Python Bug Day held this past Saturday went well.  19 bugs and 12
patches were closed.  That's not as good as the first bug day (30
bugs), but is competitive with the second (18 bugs, 21 patches).  Lots
of the easy bugs have been cleaned out, I expect, so each remaining
bug takes more time to fix.

Sadly, while a request on python-dev earlier in the week resulted in
much higher participation by people with CVS commit privileges, there
weren't as many non-committer people around as on the previous bug

During the course of the day, Armin Rigo wrote a nifty IRC bot that
takes an SF bug/patch ID and returns the title; taking an example from
the transcript:

20:53:56 <jlgijsbers> Looking at #777659.
20:53:57 <sf_number> * sf_number bug 777659 - Uninitialized variable used in Tools/faqwiz/faqwiz.py

I won't be running a bug day in September; if someone else wants to
arrange it, please feel free.  Otherwise, the next bug day will
probably be in October; watch comp.lang.python.announce for an
annoucement in early October.


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