TeXML, the XML vocabulary for TeX

Oleg Paraschenko usenet@datahansa.com
12 Apr 2004 00:37:10 -0700

Hello colleagues,

  I'd like to introduce you TeXML, the XML vocabulary for TeX:


  A processor (written in Python) translates TeXML source into TeX.

| Example of TeXML to TeX translation
| TeXML:
| <cmd name="documentclass">
|  <opt>12pt</opt>
|  <parm>letter</parm>
| </cmd>
| TeX:
| \documentclass[12pt]{letter}

  One of the main benefits of TeXML usage is automatic translation
of the TeX special symbols.

| Example of translation of special TeX symbols
| TeXML:
| <TeXML>\section{No&#xa0;break}</TeXML>
| TeX:
| $\backslash$section\{No~break\}

  The TeXML processor supports different output encodings and
escapes out-of-encoding chars

| Example of translation of non-ASCII characters
| TeXML:
| <TeXML>&#x422;&#x435;&#x425;</TeXML>
| TeX in ASCII encoding:
| \cyrchar\CYRT \cyrchar\cyre \cyrchar\CYRH 
| TeX in Russian encoding
| TeX

  If you automatically generate TeX files, there are some benefits
to generating TeXML instead of TeX:

* you avoid painful handling of TeX special characters,
* you don't have to bother about encodings,
* you can write error-free code more easily.

  To expand on the last point, if for example, you want to generate

| {\bf bold}

  One of the approaches is to generate "{", then "\bf " (with
trailing space) and then "}". It is easy to miss the space or to
forget a brace or write an incorrect symbol. But when you use TeXML,
it takes care of it for you:

| <group><cmd name="bf"/>bold</group>

  I hope you will find TeXML useful. Your comments are welcome.

  Regards, Oleg