ANN: texd04 and the PyTeX project

Jonathan Fine
Wed, 24 Sep 2003 18:40:15 +0100

1.  Introduction
Python is an elegant object oriented scripting language.

TeX is a high quality typesetting program.

Both texd and PyTeX are Python projects that use TeX
(or TeX projects that use Python).

2.  texd
texd is TeX run as a daemon.  By removing the startup cost,
texd can process small files about 30 times quicker than
TeX run as a batch program.  This allows TeX to be used
as the typesetting engine of interactive programs.

We are pleased to announce that version 0.4 of texd is
available at

The distribution consists of 5 files
   README  dlatex.sty

If not already present, the README will show up on the
Sourceforge CVS server in a day or so.

It provides a callable function interface to TeX, and a
sample interactive demonstration of how TeX's paragraph
parameters work (written using Tk).

For ease of development, this version of texd has been
written in Python.

It should run on any recent Debian Linux, provided
*  Python 2.2 or better
*  Tk for Python
*  TeX
are installed.

For other Linux distributions, or Unix, more work
may be required - see the README.

If you are interested in texd, please visit:

There is a developers mailing list for texd:

I'd like discussion relating to texd to be copied to this
list, whenever appropriate.

3.  PyTeX

PyTeX is a project to use Python as the scripting front end to
TeX typesetting.

Think of Tcl/Tk.  Tcl is a front end to the Tk toolkit.

Now think of LaTeX as La/TeX.  La is a TeX macro front
end to the TeX typesetting program.

Now think of PyTeX as Py/TeX.  That's what PyTeX is.

For more information about PyTeX visit:

Right now, I've no objections at all if PyTeX discussion
took place on the texd-devel list.

In fact, I'd like it, because TeX as a callable function is
a setting where we really need PyTeX.

Jonathan Fine