[Module] grpnext 0.1

Les Smithson lsmithso@hare.demon.co.uk
Tue, 25 Feb 2003 17:03:41 -0500 (EST)

                              grpnext 0.1                               

Grpnext displays the currently playing Radio Paradise song in a Gnome
panel applet.

Grpnext.py is a Python script that displays the currently playing Radio
Paradise (http://www.radioparadise.com) song in a Gnome panel applet.
This makes it easy to see the song you're listening to without having to
switch to a browser.

       URL:  http://www.hare.demon.co.uk/grpnext/
  Download:  http://www.hare.demon.co.uk/grpnext/grpnext.tgz

   License:  Public Domain
  Requires:  gnome-python-1.4.4, timeoutsocket.py
       Gui:  Gnome

  Categories:  Sound/Audio

Les Smithson (lsmithso@hare.demon.co.uk)

<a href="http://www.hare.demon.co.uk/grpnext/">grpnext 0.1</a> --
Grpnext displays the currently playing Radio Paradise song in a Gnome
panel applet.