ANN: ElementTree 1.2 alpha 2, ElementTidy 1.0 alpha 1

Fredrik Lundh
Tue, 5 Aug 2003 11:35:49 +0200

The Element type is a simple but flexible container object, designed
to store hierarchical data structures, such as simplified XML infosets,
in memory.  The ElementTree package provides a Python implementation
of this type, plus code to serialize element trees to and from XML =

The 1.2 alpha 2 release fixes some minor issues (most notably, nicer
serialization of the "xml" default namespace).

You can get the ElementTree toolkit from:

Brief documentation and some code samples (including an XML-RPC
unmarshaller in 16 lines) are available from:

If you want more sample code, my blog currently features a number of
short articles on parsing stuff with element trees (the first four all =
with RSS and RSS-like formats):

In a related release, the ElementTidy library provides an alternative
tree builder that can read (almost) arbitrary HTML, and turn it into
well-formed XHTML element trees.  The ElementTidy library uses a
library versions of Dave Raggett's HTML Tidy utility to do the clean-
up (source code is included), and does not rely on external utilities.

enjoy /F