RELEASED Mailman 2.1.2

Barry Warsaw
27 Apr 2003 13:14:46 -0400

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I've released version 2.1.2 of Mailman, the GNU Mailing List Manager.
Mailman is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Version 2.1.2 is a bug fix release, including language updates and two
new languages, Portuguese/Portugal and Polish.  It is recommend that all
Mailman 2.1.x sites upgrade to version 2.1.2.

Mailman is free software that enables users to manage email mailing
lists and e-newsletters.  Its integrated web interface provides
easy-to-use access for list members and list administrators.  Mailman
supports built-in archiving, automatic bounce processing, content
filtering, digest delivery, spam filters, and more.

Mailman is compatible with most web servers, web browsers, and mail
servers.  It runs on any Unix-like operating system.  Mailman 2.1.2
requires Python 2.1.3 or newer.  To install Mailman from source, you
will need a C compiler.

For more information on Mailman, including links to file downloads,
please see any of the Mailman mirror web pages: (not yet updated)

Patches and source tarballs are available at

There are email lists (managed by Mailman, of course!) for both
Mailman users and developers.  See the web sites above for details.


-------------------- snip snip --------------------
2.1.2 (22-Apr-2003)

    - New languages Portuguese (Portugal) and Polish.

    - Many convenient constants have been added to the
      module to (hopefully) make it more readable.

    - Email addresses which contain 8-bit characters in them are now
      rejected and won't be subscribed.  This is not the same as 8-bit
      characters in the realname, which is still allowed.

    - The X-Originating-Email header is removed for anonymous lists.
      Hotmail apparently adds this header.

    - When running make to build Mailman, you can specify $DESTDIR to
      the install target to specify an alternative location for
      installation, without influencing the paths stored in
      e.g.  This is useful to package managers.

    - New variable DELIVERY_RETRY_WAIT which controls how
      long the outgoing qrunner will wait before it retries a
      tempfailure delivery.

    - The semantics for the hook to MailList objects has
      changed slightly.  The hook is now called before attempting to
      lock and load the database.

    - Mailman now uses the email package version 2.5.1

    - bin/transcheck now checks for double-%'s

    - bin/genaliases grew a -q / --quiet flag

    - cron/checkdbs grew a -h / --help option.

    - The -c / --change-msg option has been removed from bin/add_members

    - bin/ has been added, taken from Python 2.3's Tools/i18n
      directory.  The various .mo files are now no longer distributed
      with Mailman.  They are generated at build time instead.

    - A new file misc/sitelist.cfg which can be used with
      bin/config_list provides a small number of recommended settings
      for your site list.  Be sure to read it over before applying!
      sitelist.cfg is installed into the data directory.

    - Many bug fixes, including these SourceForge bugs closed and
      patches applied: 677668, 690448, 700538, 700537, 673294, 683906,
      671294, 522080, 521124, 534297, 699900, 697321, 695526, 703941,
      658261, 710678, 707608, 671303, 717096, 694912, 707624, 716755,
      661138, 716754, 716702, 667167, 725369, 726415

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