spyce v1.1.45

Rimon Barr Rimon Barr <barr@cs.cornell.edu>
Sun, 13 Oct 2002 21:18:13 -0400 (EDT)

SPYCE - Server Python Pages

SPYCE is a webserver plugin that supports simple and efficient
Python-based dynamic HTML scripting. Those who like Python and are
familiar with JSP, or PHP, or ASP, should have a look at this engine. It
allows one to generate dynamic HTML content just as easily, using Python
for the dynamic parts. Its modular design makes it very flexible and
extensible. It supports FastCGI, CGI and mod_python to plugin into Apache
and most other webservers. It can also be used as a command-line utility
for HTML pre-processing or as a web server proxy.

v1.1.45 released on 13 October 2002.

Get it at:

Most important changes since last posting (v1.1.39):

  - modules can now accept arguments
  - added server-level configuration file
  - site and documentation revamp
  - exception tracebacks identify specific error lines in code chunks
  - file globbing added to command-line interface
  - module directive deprecated; replaced with import
  - redesigned modules interface
  - extended contants lists to conform to HTTP and HTML specs.
  - performance improvements
  - new error handling module
  - added redirection to stdout module and loaded implicitly
  - new table of contents module

Partial change log:

Change Log

  site and documentation revamp
  refactored the spyceModule class (see spyceModule.py)
    altered all standard modules to conform to new internal design
  new table-of-contents (toc) module (see docs)
  improved stdout module (see docs)
    added push() and pop() methods
    now loaded implicitly
  exception tracebacks in chunks identify specific error lines
  file globbing added to -O command-line option

  module directive deprecated
    replaced with import tag
  import tag accepts args attribute
    calls module init() method at location of directive
    init() methods added to modules: session, compress
    see: http://spyce.sourceforge.net/doc_lang_directive.html
  bugfix - modules finalized on redirect

  bugfix - included files not inheriting modules properly
  bugfix - transform module inside included file

  renamed spyce.conf to spyceApache.conf
  renamed spyceApache to spyceModpy
  renamed run_spyceApache to run_spyceModpy (affect spyceApache.conf)
  added server-level configuration file functionality
    server module search path
    modules to load at startup
    server-level error handler
    global server variables
    see: docs/doc_conf_common.html
  added response.isCancelled() function
    see: docs/doc_mod_response.html
  bugfix - early client disconnect caused problems under mod_python

  extended HTTP response constants to conform to spec
  extended HTML entity encoded characters to conform to spec
  modified internal buffering semantics to allow eliminiation of special
    case code for specific HTTP return codes (redirects) in the common path
  performance improvements
  convenience functions transform.html_encode() and url_encode() added
  error module added: handles errors that occur during spyce processing
  bugfix - HTTP return codes propagated correctly under mod_python

  bugfix - spyce syntax error propagated properly
  response headers cleared on an internal redirect
  case insensitive request.get,post,get1,post1,file

  modified how filter module injects itself into output stream
  added response.addFilter() to allow piped functionality
    on the output stream, modules can insert write, writeStatic,
    writeExpr, flush and clear handlers
  added compress module for dynamic compression functionality
  compress module documentation
  renamed filter module to transform (name conflict with Python builtin)
  sys.path forced to be absolute before changing directory in CGI mode
  bugfix - spyce path trimmed to just filename when directory changed for
    CGI processing
  bugfix - spyce web server closes sockets


 * Rimon Barr       Ph.D. candidate, Computer Science, Cornell University
 | barr@cs.cornell.edu - http://www.cs.cornell.edu/barr - Y!IM: batripler