ANN: the first beta of PySNMP 3.x has been released

Ilya Etingof
Tue, 01 Oct 2002 16:19:01 +0400

This is the first beta release of 3.x branch of PySNMP software, a SNMP
framework aimed at developing a highly extensible, modular and standards
compliant SNMP implementation purely in Python programming language.

Features of the 3.0.0 release:

* The ASN.1 code has been re-written to become a more generic framework
  for building and handling ASN.1 data types.
* The BER code has been split off the ASN.1 code and re-written as
  a set of classes that can be mixed-into ASN.1 ones to provide
  BER functionality to the resultant object. The idea behind this
  design aims at allowing many concurrent ASN.1 objects serialization
* A highly flexible, low-level interface to SNMP functionality has been
* Compatibility APIs to previous PySNMP versions have been added.
* Package documentation has been re-worked and extended.

The source code of pysnmp-3.0.0.tar.gz can be downloaded from SourceForge:

Bug fixes and design improvements are very welcome! ;-)
