Medusa 0.5.1 release

A.M. Kuchling
Wed, 27 Mar 2002 22:36:59 -0500

I've made a tidied-up release of the Medusa toolkit for writing
asynchronous servers.  This release adds no new features to the last
release, but discards some old unmaintained code, fixes some bugs, and
moves everything into the 'medusa' package.  

The code is available from .

A full list of my changes is:

Version 0.5.1:

* Apply cleanup patch from Donovan Baarda
* Fix bug reported by Van Gale: and did
  long(...)[:-1] to chop off a trailing L generated in earlier
  versions of Python.
* Fix bug in that I introduced in 0.5
* Remove some duplicated producer classes
* Removed work_in_progress/ directory and the 'continuation' module
* Remove MIME type table code and use the stdlib's mimelib module instead

Version 0.5:

* Added a installation script, which will install all the code
  under the package name 'medusa'.
* Added README.txt and CHANGES.txt.
* Fixed NameError in util/ 
* Fixed TypeError in test/
* Fixed several problems detected by PyChecker
* Changed demos to use 'from medusa import ...'
* Rearranged files to reduce the number of subdirectories.
* Removed or updated uses of the obsolete regsub module
* Removed and; these modules were added to Python's
  standard library with version 1.5.2, and Medusa now assumes that they're 
* Removed many obsolete files:
     poll/pollmodule.c, as Python's select module now supports poll()
     patches/posixmodule.c, as that patch was incorporated in Python
     old/*, script_handler_demo/*, sendfile/*
     The old ANNOUNCE files
* Reindented all files to use four-space indents

A.M. Kuchling
Only the phoenix arises and does not descend. And everything changes.
And nothing is truly lost.
    -- The true end of the series, in SANDMAN #74, "The Exile"